Avenue Q Lyrics

Thursday, January 29, 2004

January 29th, 11:30pm Central Standard Time, I can't believe the show went by so fast!


oh my god, it was so amazing....afterwards, we hung out in the freeeeeeeezing cold, in the snow, by the stagedoor for the cast to come out. We got their autographs and talked and such, and they were so amazingly nice....and Maureen was so amazingly hot. sorry....im a guy...and contrary to popular belief (Stump and Lucas...you bastards) I'm not gay!!!! >sigh< that was well worth the wait and money. well, thats all i can really say about it...i can't accurately express the awsomeness of it in words....so i will leave you with this quote....from Rent...of course

"How can you connect in an age where strangers, landlords, lovers; your own BLOODCELLS betray?"

Some New Tsuris
11:35 PM

OK, so the most difficult thing i've ever done was wake up this morning. seriously. I just didn't want to get up. but i turned on the TV, and The Price is Right was on. That is enough to motivate ANYONE. Everyone is always so...i dunno...HAPPY on The Price is Right. I wanna go to a taping of The Price is Right, just so i can be that happy. The Price is Right apparently is the closest thing to heaven in this life. like, even the people who lose are still like ecstatic! I was just thoroughly impressed, and in awe of their happiness, thought ephemeral and fleeting. sigh.

ha! Jethro Tull....rock band with a flute. hahahahahaha

sooooooooooooo guess what i get to go see tomorrow.........go ahead guess.........................................................................................................
give up?....no??...........................................................
....ok, time's up....IM GOING TO SEE RENT TOMORROW!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!

some of my friends are camping out in front of the Centre to rush tickets. I decided that I had more to do with my time than camp out in downtown Evansville. hahahaha. we got row U of the orchestra section. not too shabby. In preparation for Rent tomorrow, I went with Jeni so she could buy this really awsome black mini-skirt with red pinstriped, and a pair of black fishnet stalkings...it was a blast. I love that kid so much. poor thing has been through some craziness this week, but thankfully its all working itself out.

well im gonna leave y'all with this quote from Boondock Saints:

"Fucking...What the fucking fuck! Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks... FUCK!"
"Well that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word!"

Some New Tsuris
12:19 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2004

sorry, i had a post outlining the screwed up events of my Sat. night, but i decided to delete it. if you know the story you understand why. if you dont, dont worry about it.

Some New Tsuris
1:09 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2004

"Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?"

wow, haven't quoted Rent in a long time. I guess here lately I've been just a bit burnt out on it. But im going to see it next Thurs., so I'm getting back in the spirit.

honestly, my life isn't a nightmare. things are actually going pretty damn well for me right now. i'm finally feeling like i belong somewhere, my life has aim now. now i just have to focus on school. only problem is i hate doing a lot of the bullshit that i'm never going to use in my life. that is probably the one thing i hate most about USI...such a heavy core curriculum. oh well, such is life i suppose.

so, most of my friends seem to be coming out of their slumps, if not totally out of them. I'm happy about that. I too am pretty much out of my slump. just kind of embracing what life is gracious enough to give me. ok, i had a point to this blog, but i seem to have forgotten it....if i remember i'll post it....

Some New Tsuris
9:34 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

This is from Aida..called "Not Me"...its kinda what im going through in my life right now, but not really....

I once knew all the answers
I stood on certain grounds
A picture of true happiness
A confidence so effortless
No brighter could be found

I never asked the questions
That trouble me today
I knew all there was to know
Love worn lightly
Put on show
My conquest on display

And who'd of thought that confidence would die?
Not me
That all I took for granted was a lie
Not me
And who'd have guessed I'd throw my world away
To be with someone I'm afriad will say
Not me....

I cannot envy lovers
or long for what they share
an empty room is merciless
dont be surprised if I confess
I need some comfort there...

And who'd have thought a love could be so good?
Not me
And show me things I never understood
Not me
And who'd of guess I'd throw my world away
To be with someone to my dying day
Not me

just thought I'd share....

Some New Tsuris
7:23 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2004

"In a Lifetime Original, Meredith Baxter Bernie gets beaten with a rod in a Lifetime Original 'Rod.'" God Bless Jim Gaffigan

Some New Tsuris
2:54 AM

ok time for an English lesson...listen up Alanis

Irony- Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs

Cruel Irony- Burgdorf being incredibly tired all fucking day, and when it is finally time for him to go to bed, he suffers a
case of insomnia

yes, this is further proof that God has a twisted sense of humor.

generally, i can put in Pink Floyd, and fall asleep within 10 minutes of the music starting. Tonight, unfortunately, even that doesn't seem to be working. I dont want to take any sort of medication, because im going to be getting less that 8 hours of sleep at this point, and I dont wanna be all groggy tomorrow morning, 'cause then i'll have to fight falling asleep in church. Even though I don't particularly care about going to church, I have to go because my mom says i do and i still live in her house. So if i'm there, it is rather rude to fall asleep during the service. So I want to be at least rested tomorrow morning. plus, i play better (bass in the church praise band) when im not all groggy.

aaaaaaaaanywho, so this morning was probably the worst day i've ever had at work. i'm not going to get into it right now, but it sucked. Then Grant, Jessie and I got our tickets for Rent. WHOO! after that, I went over to Lucas's house to drop of his PS2, get my jacket that i left over there, and then we were going to ride together to go to the Wadi (details a bit later). well, we have some time to kill, so he puts in the Dane Cook DVD i let him borrow. well like half way through we both fell asleep. this is a problem, because we were meeting people at the Wadi tonight. ok I wake up at like 7:45, and we have to be at the Wadi at 8...so i wake Lucas up. well then we get involved in a conversation with his parents. so by the time we get out to the Wadi, its like 9 o'clock....i realize its not that funny in retrospect, but it was funny when it happened

ok so the reason we went to the Wadi is because Lucas and I were supposed to meet Max, Jeni and Melissa out there. the band Paradigum was playing out there, and since Melissa's brother is the bassist for the band, they wanted us to go see the show. so Lucas and I get there an hour late and we catch the 2nd half of the show. They are a great band. I bought their CD for like $5, and got a free sticker with it. How cool is that? the sticker is now on my CD wallet, right below the bumper sticker that Kensington bought me, which states the following: "My Other Ride Is Your Mother" and it has a picture of a car on it. all of you who know me understand the hilarity of this, considering every other phrase out of my mouth is "your mother". if anyone asks how you're doing, the correct response is ALWAYS, "good enough to fuck your mother...", if anyone ever asks what you are doing, you say "your mother..." and so forth.

wow, i am really babbling right now. its ok though, because that is what a blog is for
babbly babble babblroo.............................................

ok so i've been on this rant, and everyone thinks im insane, but this is something that really bothers me...ok it doesn't really bother me, but it is odd. ok, so there is Big Red the chewing gum, and Big Red the soft drink. ONE DOES NOT TASTE LIKE THE OTHER!!! they are not the same flavor, same type of product, same ANYTHING. one is cinnamon, the other is a mix between strawberry and satan (Big Red, the beverage, is awful). If they are made by the same company, then the person in charge of either a) naming the product or 2)deciding what the product will taste like or c)both should be sacked. and i dont mean fired. i mean placed in a burlap bag (they're itchy) and beaten with curtain rods.

tonight, i was reading some post boards on IMDB.com, and i'm so amazed at how defensive people get when you say you dont like their favorite movie. For instance, i was looking up the movie "Boondock Saints" (amazingly wonderful movie), and some guy said he didn't like it. didn't say anything directly negative about it...just that he didn't care for it, and didn't understand why so many people do. well for the next, oh, i'd say 20 postings, people are jumping all over this guy's case, calling him a dickhead, moron, idiot, and other uncalled for names. if you are going to get SO bent out of shape about something as stupid as a movie you enjoy, then you need to never procreate. the world can do without more of your kind. these are the same assholes who come into Fazoli's and bitch about the most MUNDANE of details, i.e., waiting 6 minutes for a sandwich (the menu states clearly to allow 5-7 minutes for a sandwich...6 minutes falls RIGHT in there), or the fact that we left 1/4 oz. of sauce of their spaghetti or some shit like that. stupid ignorant fucking dolts. sorry, those people really piss me off. them, and the cellphone people. if you are ordering through drive thru, GET OFF THE FUCKING CELL PHONE!!! AHHHHHH!!!

now that i have that out of my system, what else can i rant about?

actually, i think im done for now....if im still suffering insomnia later, i may post again.

i leave you with a quote from Green Day's "When I Come Arond"

" So go do what you like
Make sure you do it wise
You may find out
that your self doubt
means nothing was ever there.
You can't go forcing something
If its just not right"

Some New Tsuris
2:50 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2004

what is the only thing that can make up for a really really horrilby awful day at work?? GETTING TICKETS FOR RENT!!! thats all i have to say about that...

Some New Tsuris
5:38 PM

what a wonderful Fri. evening. After all my classes, Stump, Kensington Shaun and I went down and played pool in the U.C., then i went over to Max's and had dinner with him and Leah. Then we went back to Max's house and watched an AMAZING movie called Boondock Saints. Grant and Lucas joined us for the movie....

at this point, i would like to thank Lucas and Grant for taking me out for a wild night of debauchery. yes ladies and gentleman, i have officially loosened the fuck up. tonight we went to Stephani's Cabaret. whoever said there were no attractive looking strippers in E-ville was totally full of shit. there were some BEAUTIFUL women at this place. yeah, there were a few i kinda wish hadn't been there, but for the most part, BEAUTIFUL!

even beyond that, it was just tons of fun hanging out with the guys. ok well my eyes are still burning from all the smoke in there, and i smell like a wonderful mixture of perfume and Marlboro, so im gonna get a shower and go to bed now...damn, tonight was fun

Some New Tsuris
1:37 AM

Friday, January 16, 2004

ok so the next song sucked even more, so i had to get up and change it

Some New Tsuris
10:04 AM

dammit....i woke up before my alarm clock, so im sitting here at my computer, and my alarm just went off....and Shania Twain is on the radio....i HATE Shania Twain...however changing it requires my getting up....what a predicament...perhaps i can just ignore it until the song is over....goddamn, i'm lazy.....

Some New Tsuris
10:01 AM

ok mark this date down on your calenders.....I WROTE A SONG!! not just the lyrics....like i grabbed the guitar, and plunked out the frame work for, what i think, could be a really good song. it still needs some work, but this is farther than i have ever been with a song. here are the lyrics

Wishing You Were Here
I can't sleep
I don't want to forget your face
Without that memory
I'm lost
I can't eat
I want forever etched into my memory
the sweet taste
of your lip gloss

I can't breathe
If I can't take you in
I dont want
to take in anything at all.
I can't love
If my love can't live with you
then that loves comes
at too high a cost

I wish you would leave...
But only my thoughts
And only for now.
For I lie awake
Wishing you were here.

I can't smile
without you here beside me
a grin has
hardly any meaning
I can't cry
unless you're here to see my tears
my whimpers and sobs
would only be demeaning

I can't believe
faith requires something in which
I should believe
but that hope is now gone
I can't live
if you're all I'm living for
then my will to live
is now gone, forever

Some New Tsuris
9:47 AM

Thursday, January 15, 2004

why do i love the band Soundgarden? because they have a song called "Spoonman".....and its about a guy who plays the spoons...yes he clicks 2 spoons together to make an instrument....and Soundgarden wrote a song about him...how awsome is that?? "Feel the rhythm with your hands (steal the rhythm while you can), Spoonman!"

Some New Tsuris
10:20 PM

this is a monologue from Singles..i've always wanted to do it for an audition...so one day i just might...

"I broke up with someone recently. Jennifer, my last girlfriend. I did it in a crowded restaurant. She just stared at me with that look: "How can you pass me up?" I told her we weren't right and all the stuff we both knew. Week later, I realize I was wrong, tried to get back together with her; she won't see me. Now she's with Tony. Tony knows my friend Bailey, who's friends with the girl that Tony is going out with on the side, Rita. Rita, who I broke up with to go out with Jennifer. So, now, do I tell Jennifer that i know Tony is going out with Rita or do i tell Rita that i know about Tony and Jennifer? Tony, who will tell Jennifer that i was still going out with Rita when i was going out with her. How does this stuff get so complicated? I dont know. Sometimes I wish it was as smple as this postcard someone sent me once (shows postard of two people kissing). Isn't that great? I don' know, I think...I think I'm back to the beginning. My dad left home when I eight. You know what he said to me? 'Have fun, stay single.'...I WAS EIGHT!...So maybe it was never simple. I'll tell you this, for the next three years I am going to concentrate on work. Work is the only thing that i have complete control over. Work. I gotta go."

just thought i'd share

Some New Tsuris
10:12 PM

"Is this about your exboyfriend who always calls? ...i bet he has a ponytail doesn't he?? he's Mr. Sensative-Ponytail-Man..." If you have never seen the movie Singles, you are missing out. rent it.

Some New Tsuris
9:18 PM

so i was going through some of my old writings, and i came across one that i forgot that i had written...and it made me chuckle, because it proves just how wry and smartass-tic i am (i know its not a real word...)

My Take on a Cliche`

"If you love something, set it free
If it returns, its yours to keep..."
yeah, that or it has major major dependancy issues,
which is usually the case....

just thought i'd share

Some New Tsuris
10:39 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

first week of school is now half way over....and i think this is going to be an awsome semester

1) i have no class before noon
2) i have no class past five
3) i have only 2 classes on Tues. and Thurs.-- those being math and choir

and even beyond my schedual, i think this is going to a great semester for me emotionally and socially and everything. I'm distancing myself from people who have caused me grief in the past, and im getting closer to people who genuinely care about me and who treat me in a manner i feel i should be treated. I'm done pursuing a relationship. If a girl is interested in me, she can pursue me. I am not completely shutting the idea of a relationship out right now, i've just decided im not going beyond half way for it. are there people that i would like to have a relationship with? yes, but im not going to waste my time and ruin a friendship over something stupid like that. no one wins in that scenario. i think Prince (random source for a quote, i know) said it best...."Don't make me chase you...even doves have pride." I have pride...im not going to chase anyone anymore. and i'm so much happier thus far for that. so yay for that

as i mentioned before, im distancing myself from certain people. these are people who either have done something to really piss me off, have in some way kept me from growing as a person, or people who i have just weary of. i know that must sound horribly arrogant of me, but thats not what i intend. certain people bring out the worst in me. and its not their fault, its mine. certain people don't appreciate my feelings. some people just blow me off as an "also-ran". well i'm not putting up with it anymore. if you are concerned you are one of these people, come talk to me in a reasonable manner. dont come after me all defensive/accusing or anything like that. there are some people i've not talked to because i've just not had time. if you feel you are in question, just ask me. let me know you care, 'cause if you dont, then i dont want to go on thinking that you do.

and on that note, im out....peace...

Some New Tsuris
9:34 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2004

"well maybe she wouldn't be a lesbian if you'd tuck your shirt in once in a while..." "

sooo funny, i love Malcolm in the Middle

Arrested Development time!!

Some New Tsuris
9:18 PM

What is your full name:: Nathan Joseph Burgdorf
Spell your first name backwards:: Nahtan, almost the same thing as it is forward....
Date of birth:: July 6th 1984
Male or female:: male
Astrological sign:: cancer
Nicknames:: Burgdorf, Burgy, Nate, Lunch Box....probably a few more less flattering names...
Occupation:: i am gainlessly employed at Fazoli's, and a student
Height:: 6'0
Weight:: about 50lbs more than i'd like to be
Hair color:: brown
Eye color:: blue on the outside, yellow in the middle, so they look green
Where were you born:: Valporaiso,IN
Where do you reside now:: Evansville, IN
Age:: 19
Screen names:: Burgy1984
E-mail addy:: Burgy1984@hotmail.com
What does your screen name stand for:: my nickname + birth year
What is your blogger name:: The Unexamined Life
What does your blogger name stand for:: its from Wicked...the first half of the song is how i've lived my life
Pets:: dog- Sammy cats- Gretta and Tip (evil satan cat) bird- Sammy (my brother named his evil quaker parrot after out dog when he moved out....and now he's back home..)
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake:: 19
Piercings:: none, but i will soon be piercing my cardtilege
Tattoo's:: none, but i want one....
Shoe size:: 12
Righty or lefty:: righty
Wearing:: basketball shorts and the cool-guy shirt
Hearing:: Wicked
Feeling:: tired
Eating/drinking:: nothin'

Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff
Have you ever been in love:: um, not love, just a deep seated admiration which then gave way to heartache and regret
How many people have you said: i can honestly say, i've never "said" anyone...???
How many people have you been in REAL love with:: see the first question in this catagory
How many people have you kissed:: 8? i dont remember....
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex:: not seriously....
How many people have you dated:: more than one date? oh i dont know
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: sense of humor, intelligence, a serious passion for something, there are more critera, but i dont feel like getting into it...too much explaining...
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex:: face
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for:: Its a constant evolution...i learn from my past
Do you have a crush right now:: umm, there are girls who, if interested, i would definately date, but i dont have any crushed right now...
If so who is it:: n/a
Do you believe in love at first sight:: nope, however, i think you can have an instant connection to someone upon first meeting them...
Do you remember your first love:: i remember the first person i thought i loved...
Who is the first person you kissed:: Amber Hoffman.....thanks for bringing THAT up.....
Do you believe in fate:: im undecided
Do you believe in soul mates:: yes, but i think everyone has more than one...
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours:: if it happens, it happens

Family Stuff
How many siblings do you have:: 2
What are your siblings names:: Ben and Eric
What are your parents names:: Ben and Kathy
How many siblings does your mother have:: 1
How many siblings does your father have:: 2
Where are your parents from:: Evansville, IN
Is your family close:: at times....im close with my brothers
Does your family get together for holidays:: always
Do you have a drunk uncle:: nope
Any medical problems run through your family:: diabetes
Does someone in your family wear a toupee:: not that i know of
Do you have any nieces or nephews:: a niece and a nephew....Chloe Elaine and August Howard
Are your parents divorced:: no
Do you have step parents:: no
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family:: I disown my dad anytime i have friends over, but thats about it....j/k
Did some of your family come to America from another country:: not recently

Music Stuff
What song do you swear was written about you or your life:: there are a lot...the entire Blues Traveler album "Four"
What's the most embarrassing cd you own:: George Strait's Chill of an Early Fall
What's the best cd you own:: i have many favorites for different reasons...
What song do you absolutely hate:: anything by Nickleback or Good Charlotte
Do you sing in the shower:: yep
What song reminds you of that special someone:: again, a lot of songs remind me of a lot of people...

Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs!
Pink:: Don't let me get me
Aerosmith:: sweeeeeeeeeeeeet emoooooooootioooooooon
Madonna:: like a virgin...
Korn:: something takes a part of me
Backstreet Boys:: show me the meaning of being lonely
The Beatles:: in my life, i've loved them all
Sublime:: Janie always said i was a mess...
J.Lo:: dont be fooled by the rocks that i got...
*Nsync:: god must have speant a little more time on you
Limp Bizkit:: I came into this world as a reject
Stacie Orrico:: i have NO CLUE who this person is....
Creed:: I can't find a rhyme in my reason...
Britany Spears:: you drive me craaaazy, i just can't sleep
Good Charlotte:: all the rich kids drove convertibles,and we had to ride the bus...( i HATE that song...)
Christina Aguilera:: you are beautiful in every single way
Eminem:: you're gonna lose yourself in the music
Kelly Clarkson:: what happened to miss independent?
Kelly Osbourne:: papa dont preach..only song i've heard by her....
Mandy Moore:: suddenly seymore...(best of bravo...her and Adam Pascal singing it...awsome)
Eve:: drop that dope sh*t in your ear, and let me blow your mind
Aaliyah:: if i let this go, you can't tell nobody...
Nelly:: i'm goin' down down baby, low speed in my range rover....
Alicia Keys:: I'm fallin' in love with you
Incubus:: pardon me while i burst into flames, i've had enough of the world and its people's mindless games...

Color:: black, red, and blue
Food:: dont have a favorite
Song:: pretty much anything Billy Joel
Show:: Arrested Development or most of Adult Swim
School subject:: fuck real school, lets go to choir!
Band/singer/artist:: Billy, BNL, Idina and Kristen Chenoweth, Adam Pascal, Matt Caplan
Animal:: i want a hedgehog
Outfit:: my black J. Ferrar shirt and a pair of khakis with my leather jacket on
Radio station:: 101.9
Movie:: comedy-Clerks or Chasing Amy drama- Shawshank Redemption
Pair of shoes:: my adidas...but i need a new pair of boots
Cartoon:: Family Guy, Futurama, Sea Lab, and Simpsons
Actor:: AFFLECK and MATTY D!! also Kev and Mewes
Actress:: oh i dont know.....i have many...
Potato chip:: cheetoes, and tortilla chips with salsa
Drink:: white chocolate mocha from Barnes
Soda:: Sierra Mist or Barq's red cream soda
Holiday:: probably Halloween or Labor Day (cookout at Wessleman's Park!)
Perfume/cologne:: i wear Eternity
Pizza topping:: pepperoni and green pepper
Jello flavor:: doesn't matter...its aaaall good
Lunch meat:: bologna
Card Game:: im becoming a Euchre fan...also speed and bullshit
Video game:: Zelda
Website:: www.homestarrunner.com and www.loveblender.com
Book:: Candide by Voltaire
Computer game:: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds or Unreal Tournament
Number:: dont have one....i like things in even numbers though
Cereal:: cherrios or rice krispies
Comedian:: Dane Cook or Jim Gaffigan
Dessert:: dpeneds on what im in the mood for...probably cheesecake
Disney character:: wow...umm...perhaps Woody in Toy Story, or Genie in Aladdin....or maybe Timon and Pumba
Clothing store:: wherever
Past time:: listening to music, watching movies, computer stuff, playing guitar/bass, playing piano
Teacher:: Dan, the molto ritard
Childhood toy:: my ninja turtles
Carnival game/ride:: zipper
Candy bar:: snickers or reese's cups
Magazine:: Maxim
Salad dressing:: ranch, or really good italian
Thing to do on the weekend:: sleep, and hang with friends....oh yeah, and work
Hot drink:: coffee!
Season:: winter
Sport to watch:: basketball or football
Person to talk to online:: Cara, Jeni and Leah

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets:: dark blue
What color are your bedroom walls:: white
Do you have posters on your wall:: i have my Rent poster up, and a bulletin board with a bunch of crap on it
If so of what:: umm...see above...
Do you have a tv in your bedroom:: yup
How many pillows are on your bed:: 3
What do you normally sleep in:: pj pants or my basketball shorts and a tshirt
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:: blue and black with chili peppers on them
What size bed do you have:: double
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed:: no
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom:: nope, i have my cell
Describe the last nightmare you had:: I dont have nightmares, just really fucked up dreams
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:: nope
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed:: probably 2
Any unusual sleeping positions:: i sprawl out
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling:: like i did 6 or 7 years ago
Do you snore:: yeah
How about drool:: yeah
Do you have an alarm clock in your room:: yeah
What color is the carpet in your room:: like a sandy brown
What's under your bed:: nothing, my bed lays flat on the floor

This or that
loser/wannabe:: loser
Doughnuts/bagels:: doughnuts
Day/night:: night
Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west:: Elphaba...West SIIIIDE!
Heaven/hell:: its a hell of a gamble to lose.....heaven
Make love/have sex:: make that sweet sweet love baby!
Coffee/tea:: coffee
Hamburgers/hotdogs:: burger
Rap/rock:: rock
Britney/Christina:: looks- Britney music-Christina
Swiss cheese/american cheese:: American
Real World/Road Rules:: Real World
Backstreet Boys/*Nsync:: NSync
Silver/gold:: silver
Nike/Adidas:: Adidas
McDonalds/Taco Bell:: Taco Bell
Sweet/sour:: sweet
Punk/emo:: punk
Hot/cold:: cold
Winter/summer:: winter
Spring/fall:: fall
Operas/plays:: love 'em both....but probably operas the most
Read/watch tv:: depends on what im in the mood for
Cd's/tapes:: cds
Dvd's/vhs:: dvds
Old/new:: i tend to keep modern, but sometimes classics are wonderful
Shorts/skirts:: shorts.....yeah.....
Pink/red:: red
Colored pictures/black and white photos:: black and white
Meat/vegetables:: meat
Mexican food/chinese food:: Mexican
Commercials/infomercials:: commercials
Scary movies/comedies:: comedies
Bikinis/one piece bathing suits:: NEXT!
Sandals/tennis shoes:: sandals
Dogs/cats:: cats
Unicorns/fairies:: NEXT!
Water/land:: land
Sugar/spice:: spice
Black/white:: black
ribbons/bows:: ribbons
Chicken/beef:: beef
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights:: regular white
Cars/trucks:: trucks...im kinda biased though
Austin Powers/James Bond:: not a huge Bond fan...have to go with Mr. Powers
Popcorn/pretzels:: ach! can't decide....CAN'T DECIDE, BRAIN ANEURISM!!
Hip/hop:: hip
Passionate kiss/peck:: passionate
WWE wrestling/ real wrestling:: i dont care
Back rub/foot massage:: back rub
Picture frames/photo albums:: albums
Pens/pencils:: pen

What Is Your Opinion Of The Following
Eminem:: when he's not bitching, he's amazing
Virgins:: good for you....?
God:: there has to be a God
The Osbournes:: shut up and go away
Reality TV:: see above
J.Lo:: leave Affleck the fuck alone and see above
Religion:: i have issues with it, but if its you're thing, then thats awsome
Emo music:: eh, i can deal with it
Valentine's Day:: lets just rub in how lonely i am why don't we?
Christina Aguilera's comeback:: i listen to her just as much now as i did before....which is very very little
Homosexuals:: if that's you're thing, then more power to ya....i think they should be treated just like hetero couples
Abortion:: i have no opinion on this issue, because i've never, nor will i ever have to face it.
Inter-racial relationships:: if two people are in love, skin color means nothing...however, there can be a cultural difference, and as long as that is understood, i see no problem with it
Murder:: is perhaps one of the most cowardly things possible
Death:: is unavoidable....stop trying to run
Obesity:: is a behavioral pattern, not a fucking disease...can't stand it when people call it a disease....
Pre-marital sex:: umm, not something that i plan on participating in, but who knows...i dont have any real problems against it, so long as both parties are sure its what they want
Terrorism:: is cowardly, but on going and a problem without solution
Pornography:: whatever floats your boat
Fortune Tellers:: buuuuuulllshit!
Threesomes:: can cause lots and lots of problem, and i will never participate in one
Prostitution:: i dont know why its illegal....like i would never participate in it, but who is it hurting if someone does....hmm...im sure there is a reason it is illegal though
Politics:: are stupid, and i love them oh so much
Country music:: i like Garth Brooks and George Strait....thats about it
George W. Bush:: gets a lot more shit from the media than he deserves
Cloning:: dont know enough about it to make an opinion
Britney's boobs:: ....they are rather nice....but nothing to obsess over
Gas prices in America:: better than gas prices in Europe

What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
Jack:: Black
Tiffany:: Breakfast at
Ben:: Burgdorf
Maria:: I just met a girl named Maria
Jennifer:: Connley
Nicole:: Casteel
Amy:: Breeze
Adam:: Pascal
Richard:: Wilson (piano teacher)
Arnold:: Schwartzenegger
Tom:: Armstrong (Stormin' Norman Goreman the Mormon Doorman)
Melissa:: Bethel
Charlotte:: 's Web
Harold:: Hill
John:: Evans
Joel:: BILLY!
Vanessa:: Williams
Michelle:: Branch
Kevin:: Smith
Brent:: Bredhold (sorry...)
Jake:: Less Than
Billy:: JOEL!!!
Sarah:: i know like 58 Sarahs
Natalie:: Singer
Christy:: Brinkley (married Billy Joel...hahah)
Nick:: Rakestraw (artist formally know as >point at his name tag<)
Linda:: Eder
Taylor:: Tim the Tool Man
Jordan:: Michael
Jamie:: Lee Curtis
Adrian:: Young...drummer for No Doubt

Have You Ever....
Mooned anyone:: yep
Been on a diet:: yep
Been to a foreign country::Tijuana Mexico, not going back anytime soon
Broken a bone:: wrist
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:: nope
Swear at a teacher:: not seriously....i swear at Dan all the time
Talked to a blogger member via emails or instant messages:: yes
Got in a fight:: in 6th grade.....i argue all the time
Dated a teacher::umm, nope
Laughed so hard you peed your pants:: not to my recollection
Thought about killing your enemy:: thought about it, but not seriously
Gone skinny dipping:: nope
Met another blogger member in the flesh:: yes
Told a little white lie:: yes
Told a secret you swore not to tell:: yes
Stolen anything:: when i was young and foolish
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid:: i tend to take pride in my swearing
Been on TV:: yes
Been on the radio:: no
Been in a mosh pit:: yes
Been to a concert:: yes
Dated one of your best friends:: yeah
Loved someone so much it makes you cry:: perhaps
Deceived somebody close to you:: yes
Broken the law:: yes
Been to a rodeo:: no
Been on a talk show:: no
Been on a game show:: no
Been on an airplane:: yes
Got to ride on a firetruck:: yes
Came close to dying:: yes
Cheated on a bf/gf:: honestly, no
Gave someone a piggy back ride:: yes
Terrorized a babysitter:: every one
Made a mud pie:: .....no
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff:: nope
Snuck out of the house at night:: yeah
Been so drunk you don't remember your name:: nope, but i've popped bloodvessles in my eyes i was so drunk....that fucking sucked
Had an eating disorder:: nope
Felt like you didn't belong:: always
Felt like the 3rd wheel:: always
Smoked:: yeah
Done drugs:: marijauna if that counts
Been arrested:: no
Had your tonsils removed:: no
Gone to camp:: yes
Won a bet:: yes
Written a love letter:: yes
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love:: perhaps
Written a love poem:: umm...yeah, a lot....
Kissed in the rain:: nope
Slow danced with someone you love:: perhaps
Participated in an orgy:: no
Faked an orgasm:: no
Stolen a kiss:: yes
Asked a friend for relationship advice:: all the fucking time
Had a friend steal your bf/gf:: not really
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love:: i dont remember
Gotten a speeding ticket:: no
Done jail time:: no
Had to wear a uniform to work:: yes, i work at Fazoli's
Won a trophy:: yes
Thrown up in public:: no
Bowled a perfect game:: no
Failed/got held back:: i've failed a couple classes, but never held back
Got perfect attendance in grade school:: yes
Roasted pumpkin seeds:: no
Taken ballet/karate lessons:: nope
Attempted suicide:: no
Cut yourself:: yes...i work around knives and a lot of alumnium..i cut myself all the time
Childhood Stuff
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes:: nope
Did you own Treasure Trolls:: a couple
Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210:: yeah
Did you play Simon Says:: yes
Did you watch Fraggle Rock:: yes
Did you wet the bed:: nope
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed:: yes
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them:: no
Were you shy:: yes
Were you spoiled:: yes, still am
Were you abused:: no
Did you go to the circus:: once, and i didn't like it so i didn't go back
Did you go to the zoo:: yes
Were you in a car accident:: yes
Did you build snowmen:: yes
Did you cry when you scraped your knee:: yeah probably...i was a wuss
Were your older cousins mean to you:: yes
Did you think slinkies were cool:: still do
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer:: no
Were you afraid of the dark:: yeah
Did you have slumber parties:: i had sleep overs
Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?: no
Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany:: no
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy:: yes

Do you believe in aliens:: im not ruling out the possibility
Name three things that are next to your computer:: router, speaker, cable modem
Do you have any hidden talents:: not really hidden, but I'm borderline psychic
Do you wish MTV would play music videos:: yes
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be:: romantic comedy...probably a Jon Favreau or Kevin Smith movie
What would your movie star name be:: Nate Burgdorf
Do you play any sports:: nope....well wallball
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen:: im not sure...anything with Barbara Streisand
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently:: Underworld
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen:: GIGLI!!!!!!
Do you drive:: yes
What is your dream car:: BMW Z8
Do you think your good looking:: i think im moderately handsome
Do others think you are good looking:: if they didn't, they probably wouldn't tell me
Would you ever sky dive:: yeah
Do you believe in Bigfoot:: who cares
How many rooms do you have in your house:: 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and a kitchen/dining room
Are you afraid of roller coasters:: nope
Do you believe in God:: yes
Do you believe in Satan:: yes
Do you believe there is a heaven:: yes
Do you believe there is a hell:: yes
Do you own a pooltable:: no
Do you have a pool:: nope
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen::yep
Do you like chocolate:: yep
Who/what is on your 2003 calendar:: i dont own a calander
How many U.S. states have you been to:: i dunno
Ever wished on a shooting star:: not much for superstitions
Best Halloween costume you ever wore:: dont remember
Do you carry any weapons on you:: im a walking assault weapon...im superfly TNT
What is your weakness:: too many to list
Name something you can't get enough of:: affection and love
Describe yourself in 3 adjectives:: goofy, intelligent, charming
How many kids do you want to have:: 3ish
Future daughters names:: haven't decided
Future sons names:: William Joel and Schmergnorf (im kidding)
What is your ideal way to die:: in my sleep
How do you release stress:: guitar and singing
Do you consider yourself a trendy person:: not trendy...fashionable
Are you an artisitic person:: musical
Are you a realistic person?:: i can be
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off:: nope
Are you a strong person:: physically yes, emotionally no
Are you a strong willed person:: not in the least
Who is the last person to e-mail you:: dont know
Who is the last person to IM you:: Kensington
Do you hate chain e-mails:: with a passion
Are you a deep sleeper:: not usually
Are you a good story teller:: i think i am
What do you believe is your best quality:: my willingness to help anyone who needs help
What is your greatest accomplishment:: my writing and my music
Do you like to burn candles or incense:: candles
Do you have your own credit card:: no
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?:: Invest half of it, take the other half and move to New York or something like that
Do you have a check book:: yes
Do you like your drivers licence:: can't complain
Do you tan easily:: no, I burn or freckle
What color is your hair naturally:: brown
How many fillings do you have:: a couple
How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit:: none
Worst feeling in the world?: being ignored
Best feeling in the world:: spending time with the person you love....not talking, not doing anything...just cuddling
Is the glass half empty or half full:: half full
Last thing you downloaded:: i dont remember
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?:: nope
What do you think people think of you:: nice guy who has emotional issues
Are you a likeable person:: i like to think so
Do you need therapy:: definitely
Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance:: nope
Do you love your bf/gf:: lemme find one and i'll tell ya
If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP:: no....because technically that would be FederalUnitedParcel....which makes no sense...perhaps FEDUPS
When are you moving:: planning on next year
What's your favorite phrase:: how tragic, "(something really homosexual)....what????", fuck

The end...or is it just the beginning?

Some New Tsuris
4:52 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2004

I finally got pictures from Madrigals posted....there on the link on the sidebar

Some New Tsuris
7:23 PM

part of Defying Gravity from Wicked

Something has changed within me.
Something is not the same.
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game.
Too late for second guessing
Too late to go back to sleep.
It's time to trust my instincts,
Close my eyes and leap...

Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost.
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down.

Some New Tsuris
5:59 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Time flies when you're updating the ol' template....oye....tell me what ya think...

Some New Tsuris
1:27 AM

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Sorry to those who have expressed distaste for my lack of bloggage in recent days....i've been on the verge of an epiphany, and finally, it has broken and i have something to write about.

Needless to say, as of late, my blogs have been rather dreary and/or angry. well I just had a lot of issues to sort through. And i've decided that I'm gonna stop pursuing women. If they want me, they're gonna have to come after me. I'm sick of trying. it seems the harder i try, the worse i am. so fuck it. i've put this into affect, and the results have been good. I've been so much happier this week than i have in a long time.

Also, an akwards series of events (which i am not at liberty to elaborate on) has made it abundantly clear that i need to loosen the fuck up. I have a lot more fun when i'm not trying to impress people and not being overly concious. I must learn to throw caution to the wind.

aaaanywho, so I love the band Cake....they make me laugh. The song "Never There" is awsome...here are the lyrics

I need your arms around me
I need to feel your touch
I need your understanding
I need your love, so much
You tell me that you love me so
You tell me that you care
But when I need you (baby)
Baby, (you're never there)

On the phone long, long distance
Always through such strong resistance
First you say you're too busy
I wonder if you even miss me

Never there
You're never there
You're never ever, ever, ever, there

A golden bird that flies away
A candle's fickle flame
To think I held you yesterday
Your love was just a game
A golden bird that flies away
A candle's fickle flame
To think I held you yesterday
Your love was just a game

You tell me that you love me so
You tell me that you care
But when I need you (baby)

Take the time to get to know me
If you want me why can't you just show me
We're always on this roller coaster
If you want me why can't you get closer

oh and while we're on the subject, I can't stand it when people are like "I never post lyrics, but this song...yada yada yada..." Ok, dont justify your need to post lyrics....just do it. NO ONE CARES!! and if they do, they have a lot more to worry about than your blogging habits. I can't stand that. sorry, that has just always bothered me.

Oh, and Max, i now understand how "The Distance" by Cake has been stuck in your head for 6 years. It is a truely catchy song. For those of you who are baffled, Max has had the song "The Distance" by Cake stuck in his head for 6 years....anytime he walks somewhere, in his head he hears, "He's going the distance....he's going for speed...". i guess its a great motivator.

Another band I'm really getting into is Foo Fighters. Everlong is such a wonderful song....and their new CD is a kick ass compilation of artistic expression. PICK IT UP!! ok thats all for now

Some New Tsuris
9:34 PM

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