Avenue Q Lyrics

Friday, February 27, 2004

I'm sitting in the computer lab at the basement of the L.A., listening to the Barenaked Ladies CD, Gordon (their first one...made in 1992). And this song called Blame it on Me just came up (i had it on shuffle), and it really is wonderful song...great lyrics...so I thought I would share. So hear ya go. I hope it rocks your socks off as much as it did mine!

Blame it on Me by Barenaked Ladies

Here we are again and we're looking at each
other as if each other were to blame.
You think you're so smart, but I've seen you naked
and I'll probably see you naked again.
Milli Vanilli told you to Blame it On The Rain,
but if you blame it on the rain tell me
what can be gained so,
if all else fails you can blame it on me.

if all else fails you can blame it on me.
if all else fails you can blame it on me.
if all else fails blame it on me.
if all else fails you can blame it on me.

Then you smile again but you're
looking at me as if there's something I'm
supposed to say.
Forgive me Father, but I'm falling in love
and that's all I have for confession today.
Maybe if you'd ask me on any other given day
I wouldn't have time for you or anything that you say
but it's alright now, you can blame it on me.

Yes dear I love you,
but sometimes I think that love's not enough for you.
So you want to play mind games,
well that's fine, go ahead, la la la I can't hear you.

Here you are and you're
a hundred thousand miles away.
They say that absence makes the heart grow fungus.
I wax poetic as you're waxing your legs
you say you think there's a traitor among us.

Some New Tsuris
1:48 PM

Thursday, February 26, 2004

"Why do we stay with lovers
who we know down deep
just aren't right

Why would we rather
put ourselves through hell
then sleep alone at night?" --- from Tick, Tick...BOOM!

not for me... just for anyone who needs it... it just popped in my head

Some New Tsuris
1:34 AM

So is it just me, or is it REEEEAAALLLY annoying when people use pet-names in reference to their significant other. I'm talking when person A is talking to person B, and person A calls his/her significant other a pet name. Isn't a pet name something kinda between your s.o. and you? perhaps i'm wrong...and if i am, then i digress....

but thats neither here nor there

so i was trying to write a song, and it wasn't working...i lacked the inspiration....so i wrote a song about my lack of inspiration....its not great, but its a work in progress...very Tenacious D sounding...

I've got my guitar
my voice is strong
but i lack the inspiration
for a kick ass song

My fingers are nimble
my voice is smoothe
but i've not the words
to rock out my groove

I will find the inspirado
alone I will roam
like the lone desperado
in search of a home
in search of a home
in which i can retire
but i need the inspirado
so i can start the fire

The music ignites the night
in an incindiary blaze
but the words are muddled
like a long, winding maze

I can't clear my head
its full of mucky muck
I get so frustrated sometimes
all i can think is "ff..crap!"

thats all i got.......

Some New Tsuris
1:15 AM

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

from Thanks, That Was Fun by Barenaked Ladies (greatest band ever?...perhaps)

I'm learning. I'm yearning.
I'm burning all your stuff,
But that's not enough.
I'm faking that I'm aching:
Mistaking lust for love.

Thanks that was fun.
Don't forget, no regrets ('cept maybe one)

Did I scare you when I dared you?
I stared you in the eye and told you good-bye.
You mocked me. It shocked me,
When you walked me to the bus.

Thanks that was fun.
Don't forget, no regrets ('cept maybe one)
Made a deal, not to feel (God, that's dumb)

Everybody knows the deal fell through.
I was hoping I could just blame you.
When was it that I became so soft?

This sentimentality doesn't look good on me.
I thought that you would be begging to be with me.
I'm the one on my knees, blubbering,
"Please, let me stay".

Deflated and jaded. I hate it when you call
(which isn't at all)
I've spoken, though broken.
Here's a token of my love.

Thanks that was fun.
Don't forget, no regrets ('cept maybe one)
Made a deal, not to feel (God, that was dumb)
Don't forget, no regrets ('cept maybe one)
Made a deal, not to feel.
Thanks that was fun.

Some New Tsuris
10:46 AM

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

"You dont give up hope, just because its hopeless...you just hope for more hope...and then cover your ears and go 'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah'!"

Some New Tsuris
10:47 PM

ok so i LOVE Jim Norton on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn....this is a paraphrasing to his answer when asked, "What group of people would you a month of observence?" He said he wanted to give the ultra-liberals a month, because of their contributions to society, such as allowing convicted pedophiles to go free, allowing welfare mothers to sit on their fat-asses all day because, hell, sitting on your ass and then pumping out a criminal every 9 months is a lot easier than getting a job.

how true. how true indeed.

the aforementioned statement is meant only towards ULTRA-liberals. anyone who associates themself with PETA, Greenpeace, NAMBLA, ACLU, or any other psycho-left-wing organization are ultra-liberals. I have many a liberal friends, i totally support their view. I just dont agree.
Thank you.

oh, if you get a chance, click on this link. Its to a new musical coming out that promises to be excellent. there are sound clips on the website. check them out. they're wonderful. very Bowie-esque. of Kafka-esque (if you get the joke, you can laugh now....if not, just smile and nod your head.)

oh and big thanks to Steve for teaching me how to do the scrolling marquee thing. it rocks some socks.

"Running into you like this without warning
is like catching a sniff of tequila in the morning
But I'll try, I'll try to keep my food down
That's quite an after-taste that you've left
now that you're not around

You can just pretend we're not in the same room
Well, alright, I'll just mosey to the bathroom
You flew by like a summer vacation
And you left me with TV-movies and a messy kitchen

I think I'll disappear now, slip out sideways
Just for awhile - but until then I'll stay in and sleep late, excuse me

I'll buy a fast car, I'll drive fast from here
There's a beach I haven't seen since last year -
It's far, but I like night drives:
It just makes it nicer when I do arrive

Aren't you going to miss me?
Aren't you going to even say one thing to me anymore?

Well, you can bet that I'll forget how it was then:
All the drives to your farm for the weekend
But I've seen the swimsuit magazines
And I've smelled tequila first thing in the morning...." I Think I'll Disappear now by Crash Test Dummies

Some New Tsuris
1:15 AM

Monday, February 23, 2004

"You will be hunted to the ends of the earth by torch-wielding opera traditionalists after enraptured reviewers refer to you as the 'long-sought Fourth Tenor.'"

this is my horoscope from the future. yes, it is...shut your goddamn mouth, yes it is. STOP ARGUING! IT IS!.....sorry

Some New Tsuris
12:21 PM


that is all

Some New Tsuris
12:10 PM

when you fall in a bottomless pit, you die of starvation

thats all

Some New Tsuris
1:30 AM

I have no idea why I just started blogging. I really have nothing to blog about. Perhaps this was an act commited by me to express my subconcious desire to get something out of my mind. However, at this venture in time, that something is not apparent to me. Maybe there is a tiny mouse in my head, where my brain should be, operating my by tiny mouse controls. I all of a sudden have a weird craving for cheese! (sorry, i watched Sea Lab 2021 tonight over at Lucas's....)

so, I've been having these really odd dreams lately, and they all seem to be pointing in the direction of "dude, bro, Burgdorf...find a girl dude....sewiously.....it needs to happen." its very distracting. There is this girl im thinking i could be into, but something is telling me not to pursue it. Perhaps its the demons in my brain trying to fuck me over. or perhaps is my subconcious telling me that its not a good idea to pursue things. I'm HORRIBLY torn. ahhh!! This is where I would normally say "I'll just let things ride out, see how everything pans out..." yada yada yada... BUT if EVERYONE takes this view on it, then we're all just missing out. SOMEONE needs to take the intiative. SOMEONE needs to do the asking out. and goddammit, the stars seem to be pointing at me.

what is WRONG with me tonight?!?!? this is an excerpt of a conversation with Leah tonight:

Burgy1984: good times were had by all
Burgy1984: and all had good times
Burgy1984: and the times had by all were in fact good
Burgy1984: and the goodness of the times was aplenty
blondone63: whee! I miss crazy fun times like that!
Burgy1984: the goodness was done so in a timely fashion
blondone63: aaaaand you're done:-)

in the words of Winnie the Shit..err...Pooh, "Oh bother..."

wow, why did i just allude to Winnie the Pooh? ugh

anywho, speaking Leah, she called me today unexpectedly, and we talked for about 20 minutes. man i miss that kid. 'cause ya know, we dated for like 6 years or something.....(if you know the joke here, laugh...if not, just smile and nod your head...).

ok well im out like a fat kid in dodgeball, and im off like a promdress....

WAIT!! I ALMOST FORGOT THE QUOTE!! AHH!! SACRILIGE...'twould be a sacrilige to siiiing at another's doooooor! (or something that like...)...this one is for Leah
"I think you should know.....
Latin drums make me go
Aye Caramba!"


Some New Tsuris
12:44 AM

Friday, February 20, 2004

I've had an epiphany. usually those who are trying to be deep and insightful fail miserably. they come off sounding cheap and cliche. if you wanna really impact someone, you have to not try, just speak from the heart. Nothing is worth doing if you dont have a passion for it.

Some New Tsuris
10:29 AM

I want the Coreys to run for president...ya know...the Coreys...Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. I would vote for them in a heartbeat. I mean hell, they were in "The Lost Boys" and "License to Drive", not to mention their brilliance when they worked independently of each other, i.e. Haim in "Lucas" and Feldman in "Stand By Me" and "The Goonies". I think Feldman should run for president, and Haim could be his vice president. It will work. When you vote this November, write the Coreys in on you ballot!!!

sorry, i woke up and hour earlier than i usually do. im a bit tired.

Some New Tsuris
9:55 AM

Thursday, February 19, 2004

What do you do with the perfect relationship? Well, you pay her, and drop her back off at the corner....


Some New Tsuris
9:55 PM


"If Anne Frank can write in her diary that all men are basically good inside, then a woman can have a few bad dates without calling the entire male race assholes"

Some New Tsuris
9:38 PM

There is a fine line between IRONY and HYPOCRACY!

Irony is roughly as follows: things ending opposite of the way they are expected to
Hypocracy: saying one thing, doing the complete opposite

actually, the line between the two isn't that fine, given that you expect hypocracy from most of the people who commit such hypocracy.


in the words of Campbell Scott in the movie Singles, "How did it all get so complicated?"

Some New Tsuris
9:25 PM

I have to get out of this fucking house. My parents are psycho. AHHHHHH!!!!! I swear, its going to take some doing to not pull a Menendez on my parents. That having been said, let's move on

I had a wonderful day today. Some drama, but over all raaaather wonderful. Nothing really to talk about....gonna spend some quality "me" time at Barnes.

"It's time to kick of your shoes
Lay out and choose sadness
It's time to throw off those chains
Addle our brains with madness..."

Some New Tsuris
6:34 PM

soooo tiiiiiiired....but i caaaaaaan't sleeeeeeeep!!!! thiiiiiiis suuuuuuuuucks.....

ok so i went and saw Loot tonight....OMG, if you get a chance, go see this fucking show. it was HILARIOUS!! sewiously...

also, after Loot, i went to Turoni's for the cast party. I had a wonderful time. I pretty much hung out with the choir folk; Jeanine, David, Lucas, Camille, Sarah, Drew, et. al.; but i ventured out and met a few people. overall, i had a swell time.

umm...really thats about all i have to talk about. Oh, and Smoore, sorry homie, the bass is MINE! I love it as if it were my child. sorry dude.

hmm...quote for the end of this post.....lemme think......
ok, for no reason, im gonna end this on a really glum note. This is an excerpt from "At My Funeral" by Crash Test Dummies (remember them?)

"I'm still young,
But I know my days are numbered
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and so on...
But a time will come
When these numbers have all ended
And all i've ever seen will be forgotten...

Won't you come to my funeral
When my days are done
Life's not long, so I hope when I am finally
Dead and gone
That you gather round, as I'm lowered into the ground

When my coffin's sealed
And I'm safely 6 ft. under
Perhaps my friends will see fit then to judge me
But when they pause to consider all my blunders
I hope they wont be too quick to begrudge me.

Won't you come to my funeral
When my days are done
Life's not long, so I hope when I am finally
Dead and gone
That you gather round, as I'm lowered into the ground"

Some New Tsuris
12:35 AM

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I think that a person's cell phone number should be the same as their license plate number....that way, if you drive like a fucking asshole, WE CAN CALL YOU UP!

I stole that from some comdian I saw on Comedy Central. Can I get a "yay!" for plagiarism?

Some New Tsuris
10:59 AM

Monday, February 16, 2004

ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!!! The Stewie background stopped working for some odd reason....so I had to change it....again...bahh!!

Some New Tsuris
10:50 PM

JOE: Where's the money?
LUCAS: Joe, the money is gone.
JOE: Yeah I know it's gone. Where's it gone to?
LUCAS: Atlantic City.
JOE: Atlantic City?
LUCAS: Yeah.
JOE: Is it coming back from Atlantic City?
LUCAS: Er, I don't think so Joe.
JOE: What's it doing in Atlantic City?
LUCAS: Re-circulating.
JOE: Re-circulating?
LUCAS: Uh-oh. Are you pissed off, Joe?
JOE: Lucas.
JOE: Lucas.
JOE: Lucas, listen to me. I told Mitchell Beck that you forgot to deposit the money. I told Mitchell that the money was still here.
LUCAS: Joe, that's not true. It's in Atlantic City ... I swear.
JOE: Shut up. Shut up, sit down and don't you move.
LUCAS: It could be in other cities by now -
JOE: Oh shut up! Under no circumstances do I want you to leave that couch. Unless it's to bring me $9000 and then you bring it here to me, OK?
LUCAS: Joe. I think it's going to be OK.
JOE: What makes you think that?
LUCAS: Who knows where thoughts come from. They just appear ... uh-huh.
JOE: What a moron.

God I love the movie Empire Records!

Some New Tsuris
10:35 PM

oh by the way, I hope y'all like the background...Stewie is awesome. If you dont like it, deal with it...this is MY blog =u)

"What The Deuce?!?" -- Stewie from The Family Guy

Some New Tsuris
8:18 PM

Office Space on The Family Channel?!?!?!?

Some New Tsuris
8:14 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2004

sorry about the recent posts. Had a fit of anger at a certain person, and i'm over it....anywho, moving on...

Maroon 5 = EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. I sat down at the ol' computer and just randomly picked a CD to listen to. It was Maroon 5's Songs About Jane... subconciously, I knew this is what I needed to hear. Am I making any sense? eh, oh well.

so I think im gonna change the background again. probably to something Maroon 5 or something....'cause I'm just in that mood. The X-Men thing is cool, but I'm just not feeling it anymore.

Sara called Fri. night. It was nice to talk to her again. Nice meaning odd. Didn't really have a whole whole lot to say. We were both on cellphones though, so we weren't in the position to talk for a long period of time. I'm supposed to call her sometime this week so we can catch up and such. hmm...odd....haven't talked to her in about 6 months. I think...that sounds about right...I lost track. :::SideNote::: for those of you who haven't known me for very long, Sarah is the ex.

this post is very sporatic. I'm in a weird mood. Not bad by any means. Eh....oh well....

I leave with this quote:

"Things just get so crazy
Livin' life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling
And I'm callin' out to you
Praying some day
It will bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself
Back home to you

That may be all I need
In darkness, she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave."

Some New Tsuris
5:39 PM

Friday, February 13, 2004

Can I yet again reiterate how pissed I am at this person?? THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

Some New Tsuris
12:18 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2004

You know what i can't stand? Self-righteous hypocrites. People who act all high and mighty, as if they're above the people doing the same thing that they themselves are doing. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTAL BULLSHIT!!! ya know, if you have a problem with the way people are acting, then set a fucking example. Don't scold people for doing something, then turn around and go do it yourself. If you are going to do it, then shut the fuck up. Do something about it, 'cause otherwise you are a waste of words and thought. so to whom this may concern, fuck you and your self-righteous, pompous, holier-than-thou, phony, mealy-mouthed, affected, artificial, punk ass. have i made myself clear?? I hope so.

Some New Tsuris
11:58 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So I decided to get rid of the Rent theme, and go with a darker, more broody (is that a word?) theme. The Crow. WONDERFUL movie. It is so unbelieveably dark, yet wholey romatic. its a great contrast.

So I'm sitting in the USI computer lab, waiting for choir to start. This is my first day back in choir since last Tues. oh well. should be fun. I hate piano lessons, but i have to go after choir tonight. ugh. blah...im babbling now so im going now.

Some New Tsuris
2:26 PM

Pics from Stump Fest '04
Thanks for the link Shaun...you kick some muthafuckin' ayass

Some New Tsuris
12:22 AM

Monday, February 09, 2004

3rd post of the night...damn I'm on a roll....just wanted to share something with you...

ok so Valentine's Day is soon approaching. Wonderful for those who have someone, overwhelmingly droll for people who dont...I think we in the latter catagory can all agree: Cupid is a Fickle Little Fucker

Some New Tsuris
12:32 AM

oh I forgot to mention this...i'm probably the only one who appreciates this, but tonight at work, we had retro-obscure-music night featuring CDs by Spin Doctors and Mighty Mighty Bosstones....

Remember them? The Mighty Mighty Bosstones?? they did The Impression That I Get and The Rascal King.....great
ska-core band...just thought I'd share...

speaking of obscure music, I really wanna see They Might Be Giants in concert again. I may listen to one of their CDs tonight...yeah...i think i will...

since this is a double post night, you get 2 quotes....here's your 2nd for the night

"They'll need a crane
They'll need a crane
To take the house he built for her apart
To make it break
It's gonna take
A metal ball hung from a chain.
They'll need a crane
They'll need a crace
To pick the broken ruins up again
To mend her heart
To help her start
To see the world apart from pain" --from They'll Need a Crane by They Might Be Giants

Some New Tsuris
12:24 AM


so where to begin. Sat night at work was kinda eh...not bad...not great...

however, in an astonishing turn of events, after work, I attend Stump's soire. what a great time. Met a LOT of new people, which is sorta unfortunate, because I'm sure I made a total drunken ass out of myself. eh, oh well. lets see if i can remember all who I met for the first time last night

*Fluey (cool cool cool muh-fuh.......
*Jeremy (also a cool cool cool muh-fuh...)
*April (remembered that because she told me "its a month")
*Dallas (random drunken political discussions)
*Nick (already knew him, but hey....)
*Ashley (didn't talk to her much...but she seemed sweet)
*Aryes's sister...dont remember her name
*Aryes's girlfriend...dont remember her name, but she went to North with me...
*Kyle (didn't talk to him much...just kind of an introduction)

thats all i can remember right now....

ha funny stuff...so i got to the party quite late because of work...well i walk in, and like everyone turns, and in a deafening roar, they shout "BURGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORF!!!!!!!!" and Rachel bombards me with hugs, a drunk Lucas is trying to talk to me, 9 other people are trying to talk to me...it was madness... then Fluey comes up and was like "hey, you seem pretty popular, so I thought I should come over and meet you..I'm Fluey" I introduced myself and he was like "YOU'RE BURGDORF?!?!! AWESOME TO FINALLY MEET YOU!!" with the most astonished look on his face....I'm apparently the child of suburban legend among Stump's friends....'cause later, I think it was Jeremy...maybe this was Fluey again...i dont remember...anywho, I asked who he was and he told me his name, and I was like "I'm Burgdorf..." and he was like "OH YOU'RE BURGDORF!! the only person at this party cooler than I am...." which, ya know, made me laugh. If he only knew how uncool I truely am.....aaaaanywho

umm...dont really have anything left to say....i didn't my first beer bong last night...which kinda sucked 'cause i dont like beer....oh well.....

leaving you with this quote:
"My daddy threw me in therapy
He thinks I'm not a real man,
Who puts the drag in the drag-queen.
Don't knock it until you've tried it..."
from King for a Day by Green Day

Some New Tsuris
12:16 AM

Saturday, February 07, 2004

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond,
I want a girl who knows what's best,
I want a girl with shoes that cut,
and eyes that burn like cigarettes.

I want a girl with the right allocations,
Who is fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack.
She's playing with her jewelry,
She's putting up her hair,
She's touring the facility
and picking up slack.

I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket.

I want a girl who gets up early,
I want a girl who stays up late,
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity,
Who uses a machete, to cut through red tape.

With fingernails that shine like justice,
and a voice that is dark like tinted glass,
She is fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack.
She's touring the facility
and picking up slack.

I want a girl with a short skirt and a long, long jacket.

I want a girl with the smooth liquidation,
I want a girl with good dividends,
At Citibank we will meet accidentally,
We start to talk when she borrows my pen.

I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket.

Some New Tsuris
4:09 PM

Friday, February 06, 2004

gah! why the hell does USI have to have an attendance policy?!?! so i've had the flu since Wed. right? well its now Fri., and i'm still feeling some affects of it, i.e., incredibly sore, woozyness, etc... well since i didn't go to the doctor during the height of my illness, they can't give me a doctor's note so my absences will be excused....yeah...a college...excused absences...fucking highschool bullshit. oye....im dont bitching...i'll figure something out

Some New Tsuris
2:34 PM

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Wow....thats all i can say...wow....

Some New Tsuris
9:04 PM

who knew The Cure was still together and making music?? not that i'm complaining, i love The Cure.... i just didn't think they were still making music....hmm..

Some New Tsuris
4:41 PM

Damn you Dr. Phil, why are you so intelligent?

wow, i have to get over this flu really soon......

Some New Tsuris
3:59 PM

Wednesday, February 04, 2004



I've been writing a paper about the Meditations by Rene DesCartes. I wrote this paper while listening to Pink Floyd....my mind is totally warped. If you are unfamiliar with DesCartes, he is the philosopher who came up with the theory that perhaps nothing really exists, and that this is all a dream. DesCartes is kind of the basis for The Matrix...only The Martix is DesCartes gone horribly arry. my mind is fucked...im going to bed....

"I want to be comfortably numb....." -- Pink Floyd from The Wall

Some New Tsuris
2:27 AM

Sunday, February 01, 2004

"If you expect a kick in the balls, and you get a slap in the face, its a victory" -- also Ardal O'Hanlon

Some New Tsuris
2:59 AM

"There are two types of people in this world: the type who have lots of premiscuous sex with strangers.......and jealous people..." -- Ardal O'Hanlon

i thought that was funny

....those old feelings are resurfacing...I want a woman...notice the change though....I used to say "I need a woman..." but I dont, I just want one. is that progress?? perhaps.

Some New Tsuris
2:58 AM

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