Avenue Q Lyrics

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Burgy1984: random question...if you could fight any famous person form either history or the present, who would you want to fight?
StageCharmer: um... the first grand dragon of the KKK
Burgy1984: ya know who i would fight?
Burgy1984: Ghandi
StageCharmer: why? cause he wouldn't hit back?
Burgy1984: no, because I've always wondered what it would be like
Burgy1984: if not Ghandi, then Barbara Streisand
Burgy1984: just because I hate that bitch
Burgy1984: so much for my motto
StageCharmer: i *have* to go to bed now
Burgy1984: night pumpkin tits....errr...
StageCharmer: LOL! you too... cookie nipple
Burgy1984: ok, you win....


10 cool points if you can tell me what movie the "who would you fight" question came from....

Some New Tsuris
1:32 AM

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time." -- Ed Norton in American History X

Some New Tsuris
12:29 AM

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

omg, i just watched the movie American History X, for the first time. That has to be perhaps one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen. I mean I loved it, but it made me sick to my stomache you know? Not because of graphic violence or anything. Just the amount of hatred that some people have in this world. I mean these people are so fucking blinded by their own hatered, that they dont see that a) what they're doing is wrong 2) what they're doing is solving nothing and C) they are being lied to by the other white-supremecists. i dunno, this movie has made a huge impact on me.

sorry for the really drab post, just had to get it out there.

Some New Tsuris
3:33 AM

Monday, March 29, 2004

ok, so Rosanne is playing a cow in the new Disney movie. Does this make anyone but me laugh hysterically? Finally, a role that really suits her! I'm just waiting for the movie with Rosie O'Donnell playing Lucifer, and Cher playing a robot.

Anywho, so my parents have further proven that they are IDIOTS. My mom bid on this full-size, arcade-style air hockey table in our church's charity auction. well she won. problem: we have no room in our house for it. so we decided to put it in my brother's basement. so my brother and I load this table in my truck. Its much too big for the truck, but we make due. So we get it back to Ben's house, and we try to unload it. LOW AND BEHOLD! It wont go down in the basement. At this point, I'm 10 minutes late for work, so I had to jet, and get to work. what a WASTED Sun. afternoon. oh well...

im out for now.

"Those girls are only skinny because they're coked-out whores!"
--paraphrased quote from Jersey Girl. Can't remember EXACTLY how it goes, but thats the gist of it.

Some New Tsuris
12:10 AM

Sunday, March 28, 2004

the following post is going to sound biased but its not...trust me


i'm serious....go see Jersey Girl...it is phenomenal. for it being such a far cry from his other movies, Kev does a marvelous job with this movie. There is not one bad performance in the entire show. I even got emotional when Jennifer Lopez's character, Gertrude, died. Raquel Castro, the little girl named Gertie, is by far the cutest, most precocious (sp?) young girl i have ever seen. She steals the show, which is rather impossible, because she is the main character, alongside than the man himself, Mr. Ben "Bad Muthafucka" Affleck. George Carlin is another scene stealer in this movie. Its wonderful to see him play such a good role. He's the nurturing grandfather type, but is still a cynical hardass. Liv Tyler turns in perhaps her best performance to date, perhaps 2nd only to Empire Records. Jason Biggs...HILARIOUS, all i can say about his performance...hilarious. just an all-around great movie. If you have a soft spot in your heart, you will fall in love with this movie. Another job well done Kev! and my deep love for Affleck has been restored full force. also great cameos by Matty-D, Jason Lee, Will Smith, and the guys who played Cohee Lunden and Rick Derris in the previous Kev movies.

thats all for now. dont let the man get ya down.


Some New Tsuris
3:22 AM

Friday, March 26, 2004

So as many have noticed, im not posting nearly as much as I used to on here. well i really dont have a whole lot to talk about. I would rather wait for events to build up, and then get it all out at once. i mean if i wanted to post everyday, I could half-ass a story...i mean I could 23-skidoo you a post or something, but that just wouldn't meet the expectations of my avid blog readers. A lot is expected of me when I post. I can't just zip-zap-patty-whack some mealy-mouthed diatribe, I must in fact give the dog a bone. WHAT THE HELL AM I BABBLING ABOUT?!?!?!?

Some New Tsuris
10:11 PM

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Lo siento por no updato in..umm...over-o el week....o

yeah, haven't taken a Spanish class since Soph. year in high school. i suck.

anyway, sorry for the lack of updating as of late. i've been busy...really busy...mega ultra busy, like superhero busy.

just working a lot. and i was offered the job as props manager for the USI play. so I've been taking care of that. man, i need to focus on school. my grades are starting to slip. ugh. too many things to do. oh well. i'll live

Went out with Sarah the other night. Sarah "the ex". it was a bit awkward, considering we haven't seen each other in just short of a year. but it was really nice to see her again. we caught up on the past year, rehashed some good memories, glanced over some bad ones. all in all, it was a nice evening. I'm hoping to rekindle some modicum of friendship. She's a good kid.

in slightly other news, Leah is in town this week. Must hang out with her sometime. I work nights all week though. A whole bit group of us went to Denny's on Sat., and 4 of us (Leah, Staci, Max, and that sexy-lovebeast Burgdorf) stayed until like 4:30am. it was fun. i had like NO voice when we departed from the mecca of coffee and heartburn. we talked about a lot of things. between discussions about religion, our futures and DesCartes' view on existence, I think we did a great job of covering all the bases.

umm thats about all that new. kinda gettin' antsy about this summer. I can't wait for Ireland. its gonna be AMAZING.

Some New Tsuris
12:03 AM

Saturday, March 13, 2004

so yeah, its been a few days since i last relenquished thoughts upon this medium of mass consumption of my inner-most demons. I'm feeling quite poetic tonight, if you can't tell. and we all know what THAT means....yes sir i am once again returning to the land of the forlorn!! whooo!!! oh...shit....thats NOT a good thing....

naw, im alright. just bored. and when im bored, i think about stuff. when i think about stuff, i think about bad stuff. when i think about bad stuff, i think about bad stuff about me. and then i get all self-loathing and shit, and its not a good time. lets just say, i know how Nightcrawler is feeling on my background... but i digress....

so i suppose i should recap the goings on of my spring break, thus far. i've worked quite a bit. work is kinda interwoven amongt stories....I'll only mention it when i deem it applicable. So my mother works with a lady who's niece is in town from ISU. well my mom thought it would be a swell idea for me to take her out for lunch and such. It was good times. The girl is totally sweet, and amazingly cute. only problem is we really have NOTHING in common. she's insanely straight-laced...like too much so for me. She only listens to Christian music and soft-rock, Celine Dion type shit. She doesn't like swearing, and my sense of humor is totally lost on her. but as i said, she's a sweet sweet sweet kid. So i'm going to invite her to join some of us tomorrow night to go see pajama game...she likes musicals.

thats really the only BIG thing that has been going on...

by the way, whoever heard of an EMERGENCY CHOIR PERFORMANCE!!!!???

i got a call from USI saying they had an emergency announcement. I got scared for a split second....

oh well, so it looks like my week is kinda thrown off kilter. It'll be cool though...kind of a pre-Ireland trip. See how everyone fares being together for that long of a time.

ok well i have to get up at 7:30 to go to a meeting at work at 8am, so im gonna get to bed. but i'm going to leave you with a really long quote from the masterpiece of a film Boondock Saints

"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath, we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish."


Some New Tsuris
1:05 AM

Thursday, March 11, 2004

"You can never go home....but I guess you can shop there..." --- John Cusack in Grosse Pointe Blank

Some New Tsuris
12:16 AM

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Good Times
bold what you remember
* denotes i remember, but never had anything to do with it

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I can still sing the ENTIRE theme song
Fraggle Rock
Sesame Street
Are You Afraid of the Dark? i at one point found it scary...how sad...
Secret World of Alex Mack even when i was 8, i knew Larissa Olyneck was hot
Nightmare Before Christmas
Welcome Freshman i remember the dude getting stuck IN the basketball hoop
Space Cases omg, i totally forgot about this show...the chick with rainbow colored hair
Roundhouse can still sing THIS whole theme song too!
The Muppet Show
Muppet Babies
Eureka's Castle
Salute Your Shorts Budnick was such a badass
Legends of the Hidden Temple No one ever got through that damn maze...ever...
You Can't Do That On Television wasn't Alanis on this show at one point?
G.U.T.S. Mike O'Malley...wow...
What Would You Do? the Pie-o-Matic or whatever it was...
Double Dare
Rocko's Modern Life the lamp from heck! the pineapple from heck! oooo THAT WAS A HOOT!
Ren and Stimpy perhaps the best cartoon ever!
Clarissa Explains It All
The Torklesons
Pete and Pete this show was so amazingly ahead of its time....
Stick Stickley Simmer down!
Goodburger Welcome to Goodburger, home of the goodburger, can i take your order?
Angry Beavers
Hey Arnold! Football head!
AAH! Real Monsters Iccus, Crumb, and Obleena yes?
Tiny Toons
Animaniacs up there with Ren & Stimpy as one of the best cartoons ever...loved Chicken Boo
The Babysitter's Club *
Gullah Gullah Island
Richard Scarry
Dumbo's Circus
Ocean Girl
Mystery Files of Shelby Woo
Snick Snacks
Koala Yummies
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? God bless Rockapella
Nick Magazine
Ernest Movies know what i mean?
Radio Flyer
Disney Watchers
Adventures in Wonderland
Homeward Bound
The Adventures of Yellow Dog
Milo and Otis
Neverending Story
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The Lion King one of my favorite Disney movies
Labyrinth David Bowie...and his sock....
101 Dalmatians
The Secret Garden
Pete's Dragon
Hocus Pocus
Secret of Roan Inish
Land Before Time
Fern Gully
Secret of NIMH I actually watched this just the other day...WONDERFUL
Gummi Bears
Care Bears
A Little Princess
My Little Pony *
Black Beauty *
Rainbow Brite*
Lady Lovely Locks
Don't Wake Daddy!
Don't Break the Ice
Hungry Hungry Hippos this should be an Olympic sport
Tinker Toys
Sky Dancers *
Polly Pocket [when she was pocket sized] *
Lite Brite
Side Ponytails *
Stirrup Pants *
Jellies *
Saddle Shoes
Barbies *
Beanie Babies*
Choose Your Own Adventure this is all i read for like 5 years....
Pogs i had TONS of them
Magic Attic Club
American Girl
Island of the Blue Dolphin
Saved By The Bell
Full House
Step By Step
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch*
Boy Meets World
Mork and Mindy
Eerie Indiana the kids who slept in tupperware!
My So-Called Life gotta love Claire Danes!
Third Rock From The Sun
Tracey Ullman Show
Growing Pains
Family Ties
Felix The Cat: The Movie
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Home Improvement
Tom and Huck *
Kenan and Kel
Hanson *
Inspector Gadget
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Power Rangers
Hot Wheels
Creepy Crawlers
Easy Bake Oven *
Flower Making Kits
Wild and Crazy Kids
Playdough McDonald's Sets
Animorphs *
Rainbow Fish
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Bailey School Kids
Wayside School
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
Boxcar Children
Ramona Quimby
Amber Brown
Roald Dahl WILLY WONKA!!! and James and the Giant Peach
Allegra's Window
3-2-1 Contact
Hey Dude I was singing this theme song the other day actually

Some New Tsuris
12:05 AM

Friday, March 05, 2004

oh wait, before i go....

if ya get a chance, check out the pictures of Leah and Steve on Steve's blog.

absolutely adorable!

Some New Tsuris
1:45 PM

sitting in the computer lab at the basement of the L.A. building. waiting for Humanities class. i have a half hour to kill. today in Poli Sci., the teacher said that everyone who was in class today got 2 extra percentage points on their grade, it being the day before Spring Break. He said that those who were dedicated enough to show up the day before a long break deserved some kind of reward, and that "half of life is just showing up." That was really awesome I thought.

anywho, so i was playing Yahoo pool just a while ago, and i played like 5 or 6 games with this really cool chick from Texas. we chatted about this and that. nothing special. but like it was a good ol' time talking to someone i dont know, nor will i probably ever talk to again. this just goes to prove that Billy Joel was right in saying "Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes, and I'm afraid its time for goodbye again."

dammit, i dont wanna close at work tonight. but i need the money. I hate my job. I hope i get this job at Berry plastics, so i can get the hell out of Fazoli's. I've been working there for over 2 years. I've only gotten a $.25 raise in those 2 years, and i've not been promoted in any way. I still get screwed over on hours, and everything always changes every few months. its just really really quite bothersome. ugh. I'm done with that rant.

ok well i think its getting pretty close to time when i should head out....

"I'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all my childish fears"

Some New Tsuris
1:40 PM

"Well I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch...." --Stewie from The Family Guy

God, I love Family Guy

Some New Tsuris
1:13 AM

Thursday, March 04, 2004

this is just wrong.....funny...but wrong

Some New Tsuris
10:34 AM

"...then we stuff them full of fire-retardent Love Fluff..."

God, i LOVE Futurama

Some New Tsuris
1:34 AM

i really dont know what to blog about...but perhaps if i just keep typing, inspiration will strike. I have a feeling this is going to be a really random and/or stupid post. here are a couple of song lyrics:

Homesick by Soul Asylum

I am so homesick
But it ain't that bad
Cause I'm homesick
for the home I've never had

This next song is pretty much how i'm feeling right now about my relationship life. I dont know of anyone who will suit me better than me.

Its Only Me (The Wizard of Magicland) by Barenaked Ladies

Speaking as a guy
who's really got it going on
It's only natural
It's only me

Take it from a fella
Who's been round the block so many times
He knows the only parking spot that's free
It's only me

You can say I've tried everything
I'd save on a wedding ring
Who knows me half as well as me?

I'm not antisocial and it's nothing that's reproachful
It's just natural
It's only me

I can't think of anybody else
I'd rather spend some one on one time with
It's not that hard to see
It's only me

I'm the me in monogamy
I'm not asking a lot of me
I give me R E S P E C T

And if your heart is broken
You can just do what you do best
You can just do what you do
When your heart is broken
Trust in the one who will love you
Never put others above you

I thought I was using me to get to you
But this is too unnatural
It's only me

They say you'll never love another till you love yourself
Well brother, I'm in love with everyone I see
It's only me

You can say I've tried everything
I'd save on a wedding ring
Who knows me half as well as me?
I believe in monogamy
I'm not asking a lot of me
I give me R E S P E C T

so i guess thats all...today at Barnes I expressed to Max my desire to inject someone with novacaine so they go entirely numb, and then sew them to the bed while they sleep. i think i may have frightened him with that comment...who knows.

CRAAAAAZY...over the rainbow i'm CRAaAaAaAZY...toys in the attic....i'm CrAaAaAaAaAaAzY!

Some New Tsuris
1:30 AM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

oh man, i've been rocking out all evening, and I forgot to do my rock aerobics and rock stretches....I hope I didn't pull a rock muscle!

learned Disarmed by Smashing Pumpkins on guitar tonight. oh my god...this is an amazing song. sewiously.

i'm out

Some New Tsuris
11:08 PM

you guys have NO idea how close i was to putting up a Ben Affleck background to my blog. ask Julie...i was THIIIIIIS close. but i decided against it...i have to defend my sexuality as it is. that would only fuel the fire. if ya think i should put it up, leave a message on my tagboard.

I can get a job
I can pay the phone bill
I can cut the lawn, cut my hair, cut out my cholesterol
I can work overtime
I can work in a mine
I can do it all for you
but I dont want to!

Some New Tsuris
12:17 AM

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