Avenue Q Lyrics

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


anywho, now that THATS outta my system, I recommend that everyone come see 7-UP and Coke at USI at the Mallette Theater tomorrow and Thurs. at 7pm. Its gonna be great!

Ok, I recommend everyone go out and buy the Hedwig and the Angry Inch soundtrack. It is amazing. Its the only thing i've been listening to for the past 2 days. John Cameron Mitchell has such an amazing voice. wow.

Also, if ya get a chance, rent Stuck On You, with Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear. It is so amazingly hilarious. Only drawback, Cher is in it. she is a fuckin' robot, i swear.

So im writing a script. I think its gonna be excellent. I've already gotten 4 pages done.

ok I know tonight's post was really random, but im gonna get outta here.

"We flew over the grand canyon. it was real different from the Vinyard, ya know with the big hole and shit..." Matt Damon in Stuck On You

Some New Tsuris
1:23 AM

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


sorry, im at school (yes its 8:30 pm and i'm STILL at school) so I'm skimming the news sites. I'll update when I get a chance

P.S., Cara, he didn't crash his car into his OWN house. It was some random person's house.

Some New Tsuris
8:23 PM

Funny Funny Article from The Onion

Some New Tsuris
5:22 PM

Monday, April 26, 2004


whew...got that out of my system.

Some New Tsuris
12:58 AM

Saturday, April 24, 2004

So after the show last night, I went out and rented Gothika and Benny & Joon. I found Gothika to be one of the scariest movies I'd seen in a while. Not necessarily a GOOD move persay, but scary. Benny & Joon is still undecided. I started it last night, and then I fell asleep 'cause I was so tired. I'm rewatching it now. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it before I have to leave for callbacks. What I've seen of it thus far, I've thoroughly enjoyed. I mean how cool is a movie when the one of the main characters (Sam, played by Johnny Depp) makes grilled cheese sandwiches with an iron, on an ironing board. Also they make reference to raisins being "humiliated grapes", 'cause they were at one point big and juicy, but now they're all shrunken. And two goldfish named Steven, only one with a V and one with a PH. I mean wonderful, really. ok, thats all for now. I'll repost after callbacks.

Some New Tsuris
10:45 AM

Friday, April 23, 2004

***Scary News Article of the Day***

Some New Tsuris
10:40 AM

TODAY SUCKED!! well not entirely....it was mediocre with a sucking undertone. it was laced with suck. leaving off from my post this afternoon, when I finally got to class, i was in a horrible mood. like i was getting annoyed by everything. I really tried to not ruin everyone else's mood. like if someone said hey i would smile and say hi back. if someone wanted to joke with me, I would joke back. I just really didn't initiate any conversations today.

people who made my day so much better:

Kim (costume chick...i think thats her name...im bad with names)

Jeni always seems to make me smile, even when I'm in a shitty mood. Stacie is of course amazing. Natalie just cracks me up...she's just someone I can count on to be blatantly honest. Kim, the other costume girl (im bad with names, i know), Jeanine and I were looking through the Thrifty Nickel in the green room during the show tonight, and we were laughing at some really disturbing ads

* Cheating Spouse? Try the Checkmate Semen Detection Kit!! Even works on underwear!

*"An almond with legs?" "No Mom!! Its a COCKROACH!!!" (ad for an exterminator)

and we decided that "scooter" is just a fun fun fun word.

leaving you with an REM quote:
"Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!"

Some New Tsuris
12:39 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2004

ahhh!!!!! i was GOING to be productive today. Too bad I didn't hear my alarm clock going off, and I slept in 'til 12:45. BASTARD! oh well. Life goes on. Although, I've missed way too much of my math class. I was going to go today, but its at 1, so i wouldn't have made it in time. fuck. I mean I've been keeping up with the homework and everything, its just circumstances keep arising that prevent my attending class. aaanywho

***random though***
If you're having a bad day, and if you feel like shit, try not to let that affect other peoples' days. I know this happens uncognizantly, but a lot of times it can be prevented. Just a thought/request. thanks.

yeah, so as of late, I've started speaking my mind. I've stopped taking so much of peoples' crap....now i take 80% instead of the usual 95%. I've just been stressed lately, and not been in the mood to put up with peoples' shit. Hence, (if i talk to you on a daily basis) all the smart ass comments, the bickering, the pseudo-anti-social attitude (can you put 2 prefixes before a word? is that allowed? well it is now). ha, I almost said "pseudo-anti-socialism"...meaning i would be somewhat against the distribution of wealth amongst a nation. which I am, but thats not what i had intended to say....wow, i really am babbling.

Glad to see Stacie and Jeni are feelings better. They were back in class yesterday. the both of them really make me smile...a lot. Stacie just rocks my silly little universe (she relays midget soldiers' little undies?)...and Jeni is just this incredible wealth of wisdom, attitude, with just a dash of bitch thrown in there. a wonderful combination. plus she has an awesome blog (courtesy of yours truely). Stacie, I'll get yours done soon, i promise...it was harder than i thought it was gonna be.

ok, off to class now....fuck real school, lets go to choir!

"There are nights when all my achy bones wont let me sleep
Demons come and plague me as I lie in bed
But I know if you were sleeping there beside me then
That you would fend them off and they would let me rest" yay Crash Test Dummies!!

Some New Tsuris
1:16 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

oh my goodness, what a looooong day!!

I had to be at the theater at 8:30AM today because we had a matinee for one of the high schools...i don't remember whiche one. after that, I went to choir. Then I was one of like 5 people at the Playmaker's meeting. Got all the info about DramProm (the theater formal at USI...how cool is that?? a prom JUST for theater majors!!). after that, I headed to the theater for the evening show. We were all there fairly early, so we were playing football in the parking lot, and accidentally threw the ball into JayHarp's truck. It made a horrible sound, but no dent or anything. Anyway, after the show, I get out to my truck and I find that I have a flat tire. So, with the assistance of Tommy, I change my tire. Then, I come home and Stacie asks me to recode her blog. My mind is too fried to do that though. I'll take a look at it later. My head hurts.

In the green room, we (Tommy, Greg, myself, Chuck, etc....) were all quoting Young Frankenstein, so naturally I watched it when I got home. God this movie is SOOOOOOOO funny. GIVE HIM A SEDAGIVE!! GIVE HIM A SEDAGIVE!!

oye, ok I'm out....leaving you with a quote from George Carlin...

"I got into an argument with my Rice Krispies this morning. I distinctly heard them say 'Snap...Krackle...FUCK YOU!" or something like that...more of a paraphrasing really.

Some New Tsuris
11:29 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

"Its like I always tell my kids: 'A quitter never wins', and 'Don't trust Whitey'" Lois from Family Guy

Some New Tsuris
1:47 AM

So I was tired of the same ol' look of the blog, so I TOTALLY REVAMPED IT!!! I love it. I think its very me. I can change that center picture all I want, and it doesn't affect anything else. Check the left frame for updated "Notations", and the far right frame is, of course, my post section. The middle section will refelct my mood, via pictures and song lyrics.

anywho, so I watched a really crazy, odd, and awesome movie on Sun. Hedwig and the Angry Inch is perhaps one of the most disturbingly wonderful musicals I've ever seen. The guy who plays Hedwig also played Dickon in Secret Garden on Broadway. Yes, he's the one on the CD. So he goes from playing a Yorkshire gardener to playing a transexual glam rocker. How odd....

anywho, my sweetie is ill. Stacie has come down with tonsilitis. also, Jeni is sick. PEOPLE, GET WELL!!! I MISS YOU!!

tomorrow is my audition for Laramie Project. Hope all goes well, I really wanna do this one.

ok well im outta here. but I leave with a quote, as per usual...this one is from Hedwig and the Angry Inch:

Tommy: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?
Hedwig: No, but I love his work.

Some New Tsuris
1:44 AM

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Oh my....i was just sitting here, going through blogs, as I do all the time, 'cause im addicted, and I just had the realization of how many just incredibly wonderful people I have in my life right now. Geeze, can someone say "corny" or perhaps "cliche"? but its true. I take these people for granted, because they're always there for me. so pretty much, everyone on the "My People" section of my blog rocks some hardcore fuckin' socks, but those aren't the only ones. All the amazing people I've met this year, including but not limited to, Camille, Rhonda, Rachel, Heidi, Leland, and so on and so forth, are...well...amazing. However, we cannot forget to mention the ol' North Theater gang, i.e., Grant, Leah, Lynn (who I NEVER get to see....aww), Jarboe, Jenni, Farf, and yet again, so on and so forth. And then there's the people I work with who make me not want to quit. Those people would include, Ben H., Minette, Rakestraw(esome), Murphy (Murphtastic), Liz, Ben K., Marie, Sophia, Jeremy, April, Chris, etc....and of course, big thanks to my woman, who managed to get suckered in to dating me. poor soul, hopefully she will never find the error in her ways.

ok that was a rather pointless post full on name-dropping, but thats ok....its my blog...deal with it! by the way, hope ya like my background. Billy Joel is of course, the man among men. He is the inspiration for every musical endeavour I've ever attempted. He is just an amazing musician. That is all. I leave you with this quote from the song which shares its title with my blog title, Say Goodbye To Hollywood

"So many faces
in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will just be now and then.
Life is a series of
hello's and goodbye's
I'm afraid its time for
goodbye again..."

Some New Tsuris
12:03 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

So under the tutelege of, well, everyone, I'm updating! Opening night of Charley's Aunt was tonight, and I, being the PROPS MASTER was preeeeeetty much useless. I just kinda sat in the wings the whole time and watched the show....for the 4th time. But, it was nice to be able to just chill while everyone else was stressing out and such. Plus, we all went to Turoni's after the show. GOOOOOOD TIMES! Spent most of the time with Natalie and Melissa and her "boyfriend"...i think his name was Steven. Yes it is, because he's the StEEEEven who works at Barnes. Odd seeing him and not ordering my venti mocha with peppermint. Is that wrong of me to say? eh, Steve seems like a really nice guy. aaaaaaanywho

Things with Stacie, INCREDIBLE. I'm totally smitten. I'm in deep smit. I've got smit for brains. oooo clever clever Burgdorf. Always the master of wit and wisdom....or not. Seriously, she is so much more than I could ask for. She has been so wonderfully understanding in this, my most hectic period. Babe, YRMSLU (and no not "Young Russians Might Steal Little Unicorns"....). oye, must get some sleep. I don't think I'm going to go to theater lab tomorrow morning, seeing as I've MORE than made up my hours. Tommy will probably call me and tell me to get my ass down there to do something prop-ish, and then I'll probably go, like the tool that I am. Eh, oh well. If I get no call, I'm not going. There! Its a compromise. hmmm....how to end this little diatribe. what quote can i use?? why am i typing in stream of consciousness? where am I? who are you people? WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!?!?!?

ok, this is a quote from Wayne's World:

"Cassandra, I Love you...you may not belive it, but I love you. Am I supposed to just be a man? Am I supposed to just walk away? Am I supposed to say, 'Its alright Wayne, I don't mind! I don't mind!' Well I mind!!! I MIND BIGTIME!!! And do ya know what the worst part of all is? I NEVER LEARNED TO READ!!!"

"Is that true?"

"Yes, everything but the reading part"

Some New Tsuris
11:45 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2004

What a day, what a day....

I went NON-STOP today from 9-8. When I wasn't at the theater making, fixing, polishing, or cleaning props, I was running around town BUYING props. 11 hours of that is TOO much for anyone. Then after I finished up at the theater, I came home and took a shower, then Stacie and I met up with Julie, Leah, Staci (sans the E), and Christopher at Seekers. From what I could tell, they absolutely LOVED Stacie. Leah and Christopher had to cut out early, so it ended up being just the 4 of us just sitting around talking. So it was a wonderful end to a stressful day. Stressful Day: The Stress Strikes Back is tomorrow. I have to be at the theater at 9A.M. again, but this shoud be a slightly easier day. I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I'm just making sure all the props go in the right place. After thats all said and done, I think Julie, Staci, and I are going to go see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Stacie may join us if her plans fall through...so that should be fun.

On a different note, my relationship with Stacie is finally starting to feel comfortable. I'm finally letting my defenses down and such. She is such an amazing person, I still can't belive she would want to be with me. Cliche`, I know, but hey, this is my blog, and my feelings, SO DEAL WITH IT!! j/k. She's just amazing.

Uh oh, its time to break out the ol' favorite "Burgdorf is smitten" song lyrics. Billy Joel always seems to fit the mood. This is "You're My Home" from his Piano Man album.

"When you look into my eyes
And you see the crazy gypsy in my soul
It always comes as a surprise
When I feel my withered roots begin to grow
Well I never had a place that I could call my very own
That's all right, my love, 'cause you're my home

When you touch my weary head
And you tell me everything will be all right
You say, "Use my body for your bed
And my love will keep you warm throughout the night"
Well I'll never be a stranger and I'll never be alone
Whenever we're together, that's my home

Home can be the Pennsylvania Turnpike
Indiana's early morning dew
High up in the hills of California
Home is just another word for you

Well I never had a place that I could call my very own
That's all right, my love, 'cause you're my home

If I travel all my life
And I never get to stop and settle down
Long as I have you by my side
There's a roof above and good walls all around
You're my castle, you're my cabin and my instant pleasure dome
I need you in my house 'cause you're my home.
You're my home."

Some New Tsuris
2:17 AM

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

ok so this week...TOTAL MINDFUCK! Most people who I talk to know about Stacie and I. Yes, we are officially "Stacie and I", and OHHH the baggage that seems to have come along with it. If you dont know, then you really dont wanna know, just a crazy situation that, i think...i hope, has been fixed. Props for Charlie's Aunt are FINALLY coming along very nicely. Beth and I spent about 2 hours in New Harmony, at the theater's prop barn getting props and such. I was EXHAUSTED afterwards. buuuuuuuuuuuuuut anywho....

Tonight, we rehearsed for the student-directed show I'm in. Its Lucas, Natalie, this other dude (can't think of his name) and myself. Aaron Bonds (AB) wrote it and is directing it. ohhhhhhh my god, it is absolutly HILARIOUS. AB is a genius. Its odd, 'cause he wrote the show long before he auditioned ANYONE for it, but the parts Lucas and I play fit us so amazingly well. I'm really excited about the show. Its gonna be wonderful.

so much shit on my mind right now, but I really can't type it all out. Its a lot of loose ends and such. I guess how i'm feeling right now can be expressed by Mr. Billy Joel, from his song Vienna

"Slow down you crazy child
You're so ambitious for a juvenile.
Well if you're so smart
then why are you still so afraid?
Where's the fire?
whats the hurry about?
You better cool it off
before you burn it out
You've got so much to do
and only so many hours in a day

But you know that when the truth is told
that you can get what you want
or you can just get old
you're gonna kick off before you even get half way through
when will you realize
Vienna waits for you?....

you're so ahead of yourself
that you forgot what you need...

you've got your passion, you've got your pride,
but dont you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on! but dont imagine they'll all come true
when will you realize
Vienna waits for you?"

Some New Tsuris
8:44 PM

Monday, April 05, 2004

ack, i must be slipping in my old age!!!! thanks to one, Ms. Natalie Singer, I have found an error in one of my quotes.... Ed Norton didn't say the aforementioned quote from American History X, it was Ed Furlong. My fault.

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time." -- ED FURLONG in American History X

Some New Tsuris
1:02 AM

Sunday, April 04, 2004

"Think about how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half the people in this world are stupider than that." ---George Carlin

Some New Tsuris
4:38 PM

"I made a Freudian slip the other day. I meant to ask my wife to pass the butter, but instead I said, "You bitch! You ruined by life!!" -- from Pool Hall Junkies (see blog background)

Some New Tsuris
4:22 AM

trying to think of some ideas for my next blog background. While Affleck is in fact the man, I think its time for another change. hmm. lemme know what ya think.

anywho, so I have purple hair now. How's THAT for an update eh? ok,its not really that purple. Its black with an auburn tint, so it looks purple-ish. Yeah, Jeni colored my hair on Fri., and much thanks to her because it looks fabulous.

not really much else to talk about. Kinda have my eye on someone. If its not blatantly obvious who it is, those who talk to me on a consistent basis, then you dont deserve to know. She's a stellar human being with whom I think I could be very happy in a relationship. However, I'm not gonna pressure anything to happen. at this point, im sick of caring about relationships in general. Hopefully things will just fall into place. oh well....im out for now...

"Hitler was a mass-murdering fuck-head...didn't play a lot of Risk when he was a kid did he?" -- Thank you very much Eddie Izzard for being a British transvestite-comic GENIUS!

Some New Tsuris
12:43 AM

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