Avenue Q Lyrics

Sunday, May 23, 2004

this post is to inform you that this will be my last blog for a long time. I've decided to no longer keep up my blog, for my own reasons. i'm keeping it up just in case i decide to blog again sometime, but as for now, don't expect anything new. sorry.

Some New Tsuris
1:56 AM

Friday, May 14, 2004

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, I am blogging from Ireland!!!! I'm at a hostile in Galaway, Ireland right now, and they have an internet lab. how cool is that? so anywho, this country is so amazing. wow....thats all i can say...wow. There's the usual drama amongst thr group, but i'm trying to not let it get to me. People just keeping bitching and moaning over stupid stuff.oh well...c'est la vie. im really really really tired though. we've been going NONSTOP since Tues. and I'm drained but this is still gonna be a kickass time! ok well i think thats all for now...i'll have lots and lots of pics and such when i return.

Some New Tsuris
4:18 PM

Monday, May 10, 2004

ahhhhhh!!!! NEW BLOGGER LOOK!!!! weeeeeeird

ok, so its 3:30, and I've gotten approximately 1 hour of sleep. I have to be up at 6, so I can be at USI 7:30 to depart to, thats right, Ireland. And all the people said "HELLZ YEAH!" So this shall be my last post for a while. Es triste, yo se. (Its sad, I know.) I'm so uber-excited!

so i think the situation is really starting to turn out in my favor now. having some time for she and I to just talk, i think things are really coming to a head now. yay for that. something to look forward to when i get back.

hmm...i have Wicked (soundtrack/cast album) stuck in my head. It tends to do that.

I bought the Little Shop of Horrors revival soundtrack(cast album) today. Exquisite!

The reason for the anal retentiveness on the cast album/soundtrack thing is because of Mr. Steve Moore and his INSISTENCE that a broadway CD isn't a soundtrack, but rather a cast album. when it all boils down to it, does it really matter?? i think not. well, im outta here. leave me cool messages for me to read when I get back.

"no...but i...he...what...I was dead at the time!!! I was on the moon......with Steve!"
"i haven't even accused you of anything yet....did you brush your teeth?"
"no...yes...which is the right answer?....but..I....I was dead at the time!!"
---Eddie Izzard, you are a genius.

Some New Tsuris
3:28 AM

Sunday, May 09, 2004

People who have thoroughly rocked my universe the past 24 hours:

*Norah Jones
*Billy Joel (Fantasies and Delusions....amazing)
*Maroon 5
*Natalie (we're gonna make that movie.....i swear..)
*Stacie, Lucas, Ben, Dustin, Kay, Vick (that cookout rocked!)

ok, GO SEE MAN ON FIRE!!!!!!! It is probably one of the most well made, well acted, well written, well filmed movies I have ever seen. I went in with kinda lowered expectations. I was expecting a sappy "lets catch the kidnapper, save the kid and all is well" movie. Boy was I wrong. Think of Denzel's character in Training Day...how bad ass was he?? In this movie, he is 4000x more bad ass. I mean holy shit. I was almost in tears. My heart was racing for 1 1/2 hrs of a 2 1/2 hr long movie. That is impressive my friends. Go see it, go see it, go see it, go see it, go see it go see it!

Hopefully will get a chance to talk to Melissa tomorrow....wanna talk to her before we leave. Need to discuss things with her. Ack. By the way, thanks for the wonderful talk Natalie. I think I'm gonna heed your advice about the situation. Way to knock sense into me. ok well im going to bed now

"Sunrise Sunrise
Feels like mornin' in your eyes"

Some New Tsuris
3:28 AM

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ms. Nora Jones....why, oh why are you so amazing??? >el sigh-a-roonie<

Some New Tsuris
8:06 PM

Friday, May 07, 2004


Some New Tsuris
12:06 PM

Thursday, May 06, 2004

further proof that Leah and I should not be around each other.....ever....

Burgy1984: ok its official, im weird
blondone63: i know
blondone63: i mean, how so?
Burgy1984: so i just woke up from a nap
Burgy1984: on the floor
blondone63: lol
Burgy1984: next to my bed
blondone63: wow...that's kind of very weird
blondone63: but could i expect anything less from you?
Burgy1984: just keeping everyone on their respective toes
blondone63: lol well thanks for that. so guess what?
Burgy1984: you've been recruited to be the tallest member of the Nationa Midget Brigade?
blondone63: yes! so i need to go accept my award...
Burgy1984: WHOOOOO!
Burgy1984: ok what?
blondone63: i gotta go, actually
blondone63: that was my news
blondone63: lol
Burgy1984: ......
Burgy1984: dreams shattered

blondone63: so your dream to be the tallest member of the midget brigade can still come true! that position hasn't been filled
Burgy1984: i dreamed that YOU would be it
Burgy1984: i told you
Burgy1984: im weird
Burgy1984: go have fun with those crazy tall people
blondone63: i shall. and you tell those midgets to get around to sending out their letters. i'm planning my initiation for the 14 of july, and i need adequate notice
blondone63: (as to what to wear...obviously, i already know i'm being initiated. you knew this. i'm done)
Burgy1984: go away
blondone63: bye
Burgy1984: :-D
blondone63: dammit! that was the face I was gonna use
blondone63: punk
blondone63: bye

Some New Tsuris
6:38 PM

just about the funniest damn thing ever!

Some New Tsuris
3:50 PM

The jazz bassist was just waaaaay too funky for me. My funktitude paled in comparison to that picture's, so I gave the ol' blog a makeover...lemme know what ya think!!

Some New Tsuris
1:15 PM

the preceeding post was not directed at anyone in particular. I don't know if anyone has any problem with anything I have done. that's just in case someone has a problem with it.

Some New Tsuris
2:42 AM

After talking to Jeni about my current situation, I've come to a conclusion. I don't care what the fuck people think. If you've got a problem with it, keep it to yourself. I dont fuckin' care. You weren't there, you don't know what I was thinking. I'm keeping this vague, because it really is no one's business, and it should never have been anyone's business, but these things happen. I do not regret the things I have done. I bend over backwards for everyone 99.999% of the time. So the one time I'm gonna be selfish and look out for myself, y'all have to deal with it.

The days of my taking shit are drawing to an end. Beware, oh shit-givers, beware indeed!

Some New Tsuris
2:40 AM

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

OK so i took my truck in to get 2 new tires and get the alignment, um, realigned. found out that it was gonna cost about $350. My mom gave me her card, so that wasn't a problem. When they got it up on the rack and got the tires off, they noticed that i needed new brakes....and by that i mean i had no brake pads left, and actually, i needed new rotors, because the metal from the brakes had dug giants grooves into the rotor. so instead of $350, i ended up spending $600. it took about 2 hours.

During that 2 hours, I read the script for Laramie. wow, I'm really excited about this show. Its so powerful.

thats all for now.

"so there were 2 Darren Stevens right? Dick York and Dick Sergeant....yeah, right! As if we wouldn't notice! Wait a minute, Dick York, Dick Sergeant; Sergeant York....wow thats odd!" --- Mike Meyers from Wayne's World

Some New Tsuris
2:16 PM

how odd! Its like 7:45am and I'm awake (obviously) but not real tired. I mean if I lay back down, I'll go back to sleep, but I'm not bad. I'll lay back down in a minute.

So I think the reason I'm so awake right now is because I got home from Melissa's last night and I crashed! slept from like 11:45-maybe 1:30, then was up until about 2, then CRASHED until about 7:40. I have to get used to getting to bed earlier and waking up earlier. thats all we're doing in Ireland.

What to do to die today at a minute or two til two. A thing distinctly hard to say, yet harder still to do. And we'll beat a tattoo at twenty til two, a ratt tatta tat tatta tat tatta too. And the dragon will come when he hears the drum at a minute or two til two today at a minute or two 'til two. YAY Trafton....random thought. sorry. I wonder how she's doing in Florida, if thats even where she still is.

I think God is playing games with me, but I'm not sure

so not 10 minutes after my last blogpost yesterday, i went back up to the theater office and got my script. im going to love this show. im really excited. There's a lot in my life to be excited about right now. In less than a week, I leave for mutha-fuckin' Ireland!!!!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?!?!? It is going to be so amazing. We're going to have a blast! I plan on taking the digital camera, so I should have some great pictures when I get back. and there is another thing that I'm rather excited about, but I need to find out all the details before I can post anything on it. I'm sure some of you can guess, but most of you not. its about something mentioned in this post. really, its not worth trying to figure out. so stop trying....stop it....GOD DAMMIT, I SAID STOP IT!! sorry, got a bit unleashed there.

ok, yeah so even though I broke up with her, Stacie is still a great great kid. Just got done talkin' to her online. She's going to make some guy very happy one day. I'm really glad that through adversity, our friendship has still stayed in tact. I'm just hoping that someone will come along soon and make her happy. She deserves it.

ok i think im going back to bed now.

"So, how do you like your eggs done in the morning, scrambled or fertilized?" --- Ben "Bad Muthafucka" Affleck in 200 Cigarettes (compliments of Melissa)

Some New Tsuris
8:14 AM

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

ok, so, John sends out an email telling everyone in the cast to go up to the theater office to go get scripts for Laramie. So, I drove all the way out here to campus, only to find that there is no one IN the theater office. bah. C'est la vie i suppose...

"I'm bleeding, that makes me the winner!" --Wimp Lo in Kung Pow

Some New Tsuris
2:45 PM

So I'm thinking that center picture of Billy's Innocent Man album cover has to go. It just doesn't feel right. What to put up....what to put up...i'll think about it...

Some New Tsuris
9:46 AM

Monday, May 03, 2004

Chickens go 'cluck cluck
Cows go 'moo'
Piggies go 'oink oink'
How 'bout you?

My nipples look like Milk Duds

Killing is wrong....and bad. there should be a new stronger word for killing...like bad-wrong...or badong. Yes! Killing is badong! From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing...gnodab!

Some New Tsuris
11:27 PM

So the choir show on Sun. went rather well I thought. I kinda zoned out during Prayer of St. Francis, but other than that I felt we all did a laudable job (god, I'm talking like Dan now....scaaary). Sun. morning, I woke up to a very very scary realization...i left my tux at USI. So i get dressed in .07529 seconds, get in my truck, and haul ass to Old North to see if I can catch Dan before he leaves so I can get his keys. Fortunately I catch him RIGHT as he's walking out. After doing his big ogre-yell (sorta like Billy Idol's Rebel Yell?) he gives me his keys and i get my tux. and everything was well.

ok this section of my blog is going to run the risk of my sounding mad, but i'm not. I swear.

some people have expressed confusion, disdain, and other arrays of emotions about my decision concerning my relationship with Stacie. I know the "disdain" was merely just a "aw, that really sucks...why the hell would you do that?" kinda thing. the fact of the matter is, I felt a decision had to be made based on how i was feeling. was it a bad decision? perhaps, but right now i dont have any regrets about it. This has nothing to do with Stacie as a person, because she is still incredibly amazing in my eyes. We're still great friends, and she is still going to be a big part in my life. I just felt that our being in a relationship beyond friendship just didn't feel right. Maybe I'm selfish, but I have to be happy and comfortable in a relationship that I'm in. I didn't feel that. Sometimes people just dont click beyond a friendship level. Nothing is wrong with either person, its just the personalities, idiosyncracies, and mannerisms dont fit well together. So while I still love Stacie a whole whole lot, a relationship just wasn't feeling right. thank you for listening to me rant.
Math final today, THEN I'M DONE!!!!

Must finish up Ireland shopping.
Must call someone (I remembered yesterday, but I have to call back).
Must get warmer outside (why the fuck is it so cold?? its fuckin' MAY!!!).
Must get out (great Maroon 5 song).
Must play my Maroon 5 CD (actually, the MP3's i ripped from the CD on my computer).
Must not let the man get me down.
Must study for math final.
Must do well on math final.
Must give Max his movies back (I've had his Jay and Bob Strike Back for over a year now)

Some New Tsuris
9:49 AM

Sunday, May 02, 2004

"I'd never done a crazy thing in my life until that night. Why is it, if a man kills another man its called heroic, but if he kills another man in the heat of passion...its called MURDER?!?"--- Ed O'Neil in Wayne's World

"Don't you want to open your present?"
"If its a severed head, I'm going to be very upset"
"Open it...."
"Ok.....what is it?"
"Its a gun rack!"
"A gun rack?? A gun rack! Shyeah, Right! I don't even own A gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate and entire gun rack. What am I going to do with a gun rack?!?!"
"You dont like it? FINE. You know Wayne, if you're not careful, you're going to lose me."
"I lost you 2 months ago! We broke up! Are you mental? GET THE NET!"

Some New Tsuris
4:26 AM

woke up this morning still drunk. that = not fun

woke up at 10am = not fun

went to lunch with Max and then got my haircut = fun

came home and cleaned my room = not fun

napped for an hour = fun

Stacie and I had a little sit down and we are now just friends = really not fucking fun

Came home and talked to Natalie on the phone for like 1 1/2 or something = fun

Went to Denny's with Grant, Chelsea, and Lucas until 3:45 am = fun

Lucas and Chelsea are so uber-cute together its nauseating = amazingly fun

Can't sleep = not fun

there's the run down on my day. what a fucked up weekend. Choir concert tomorrow. Come see us. 3pm at Old North church on Stringtown Road. It'll be a great concert. Must call someone tomorrow. Cannot forget. Probably will. Ack. Why am I taking in short choppy sentences? I dont know. Going to bed = fun


to whom it may concern, YSRMSLU, just in a different way.

Some New Tsuris
4:05 AM

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Oh man...last night was Dram Prom, and man was it fuuuun. Lemme put it to ya this way, not ONLY did we Cha Cha Slide, but we also Macarena'd! What the fuck? I haven't done the Macarena since I was in like 7th grade. Kinda funny, I wanted to do it, but like I kinda didn't so I made Lauren do it with me. She was like "you fuckin' owe me!" It was good times. AAND I won an award for my props for Charley's Aunt.

After Dram Prom, a lot of us went back to Beth's house for an afterparty/Beth's birthday party. OOOOOOOH man was that fun. Melissa and I pretty much split a bottle of tequila. yeah, we fuckin' finished it off. It was kinda funny because I remember the exact moment when I started feeling it. We were standing in the backyard by the pool, talking to Leo and AB and Steven and other people, and all of a sudden, everything started spinning. Then I felt the need to give Melissa and Camille backrubs. Its actually very effective, because then I cant feel my hands starting to cramp up. After the alcohol took effect, Melissa and I walked around the neighborhood for a bit. Had a pretty good conversation, if I remember correctly. Then as we were walking back to the party, AB and Chuck were heading out to their automobiles, so we stopped and talked to them for a bit. And now I dont remember anything until Melissa and Natalie decided to leave. Well I was gonna crash on Beth's couch, but there was too much noise and distraction and such, so I called Grant. He had one of this brothers drop him off at Beth's so he could drive me and my truck home. I owe him big time.

ok that was a big pointless story. Ok, time for a little more sleep I think.

Some New Tsuris
10:23 AM

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