Avenue Q Lyrics

Monday, June 28, 2004

ok so the day that we never thought would arrive has arrived...I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!! I start my orientation at Hollywood Video on Thurs.!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

that is all

Some New Tsuris
3:54 PM

Friday, June 25, 2004

The Movie Review page is UP!!!!!

Some New Tsuris
5:33 AM

Hope y'all like the new look...the only thing I don't like is the sparkles when you click something...but i dont wanna risk fucking up the template just to get rid of them...i spent about 2 1/2 hours redoing this thing. I'm gonna use the old template for my up and coming movie review page. feel free to tag with any suggestions or compliments of criticisms or anything.

Some New Tsuris
4:14 AM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I've had 2 interviews since my last post. I interviewed at Domino's on St. Joe on Mon., and I had an interview at Hollywood Video today. Both seemed to go rather well. Hopefully I will FINALLY get a job this week. I'll keep y'all posted.

"That phone call I got, it came from outside high walls and fancy gates; it comes from a place you know about maybe from the movies. But I come from out there, and everybody out there knows, everybody lies: cops lie, newspapers lie, parent's lyin'. The one thing you can count on--word on the street...yeah, that's solid." ---- Christopher Walken in Suicide Kings

Some New Tsuris
1:46 AM

Friday, June 18, 2004

ok so i finally saw Gigli...and the Affleck obsession is over. The movie wasn't horrible.It was sorta like another Chasing Amy, only instead of comics, its based around organized crime, and instead of Jason Lee, its a retarded kid. In this movie, Jennifer Lopez's character is a lesbian, and Affleck manages to bring her to "the other side". It was poorly written...the acting for the most part was good...'cept for Affleck. Like when he would just let go and just be himself and not try to act, he was good. He kept trying though, and it was sad. So from henceforth, I'm standing behind this statement:

Affleck can do no wrong, when given a Kevin Smith script.

Matt Damon, however, is a totally different story. He is incredible, and while he CAN do wrong, he usually doesn't. I can't wait for the Bourne Supremecy to come out.

ok done with my gay-celebrity-obsession rant...meaning the rant was gay, not the celebrities.

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep a view
But I dont know if I can do it
Oh no I said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you cry"

Some New Tsuris
12:08 PM

Gen Laurel: I'm puzzled
Gen Laurel: why is south bend in the northern part of the state?
Burgy1984: same reason there's a Kansas City, Nebraska
Burgy1984: i think its in Nebraska
Burgy1984: maybe its Wyoming
Gen Laurel: I think you're right...
Gen Laurel: weird
Gen Laurel: life is weird
Burgy1984: 'tis indeed
Burgy1984: >el sigh<

yay for weird conversations!!
boo for randomly feeling down for no apparent reason
yay for sleeping in until 2:45pm
boo for not getting to sleep until 5:00am
yay for Denny's coffee
boo for sitting in non-smoking, hence not being able to smoke my cigar
yay for The Last 5 Years soundtrack
boo for not having a job yet
yay for an interview with Hollywood Video on Tues.
boo for Home Depot not calling me back
yay for parents being out of town
boo for parents not leaving any money
yay for having lots of alone time
boo for not having a girlfriend

eh....there's my rant...if i think of anything else i'll let ya know

"If ya drove an RV
that wouldn't matter
If ya liked to drink blood
I think its cute
If you had a strong connection
to your firearms collection
I'd say draw a bead and shoot
I'm you Hebrew slave at your service
Just tell me what to do
I'd say hey hey Shiksa Goddess
I've been waiting for someone
I've been praying for someone
I think I could be in love with someone
Like you!" ---- Shiksa Goddess from The Last 5 Years

Some New Tsuris
1:09 AM

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


yes ladies and gentlemen, after a much needed hiatus from the bloggature, I have returned. I still won't be writing religiously (meaning on a regular basis, not about religious text) but I'll throw in tid-bits here and there when I see fit.

Many have asked, "Why did you stop blogging Burgdorf?" and the answer is simple
a)not much worth blogging about
2)anything that WAS worth blogging about was too personal to put on a blog
c)just to piss you off (ok, not really)

but yeah, anywho, I'm sure you are all wondering what is going on in the world o' Burgy. If you aren't then what the hell are you doing on my blog? go away...go on...go....ok...so everyone here is interested right? no? you...no, not you...you....yeah, you can go....ok,are we ready?? ok good, here we go

Well, the week I returned from Ireland (which was AMAZING by the way) I stopped into Fazoli's to see when I could start work again. I was answered with the revelation that I no longer was employed there. This confused me greatly...I hadn't quit, I had requested off everyday I was gone far in advance, and I wasn't there to do anything to get fired. Well, the manager informed me that since I took a month and a half off work, that the corporate office auto-termed me...which basically means i was canned by the computer because i hadn't worked in a month and a half. so I've been searching for a job ever since. I've had an interview with Home Depot on the East side, and I have an interview with Hollywood Video next Tues. Hopefully one or both of those will turn out a job. I'm broke. I need money.

Still single. Its a problem, but not really. At this point, either way is fine with me.

Its been an odd summer. I've been horribly anti-social. I've just not felt much like being around a lot of people. I dunno, I sometimes get the feeling that I dont have much in common with most of my friends anymore. There are the few that I still talk to and go out and do stuff with, but everyone else just seems...oh i dont know the word..estranged? I dont know if thats the right word, but it'll work for now. The connection just isn't there anymore, at least as far as I can tell. I still have a few friends with whom I get along magnificently.

ok well thats all I have for now, but I must leave with a quote:

"Will you share your life with me
For the next ten minutes?
For the next ten minutes
We can handle that
We could watch the waves
We could watch the sky
Or just sit and wait
As the time ticks by
And if we make it till then
Can I ask you again
For another ten?

And if you in turn agree
To the next ten minutes
And the next ten minutes
Till the morning comes
Then just holding you
Might compel me to
Ask you for more
There are so many lives I want to share with you
I will never be complete until I do" ---- from The Last 5 Years

Some New Tsuris
5:24 PM

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