Avenue Q Lyrics

Friday, August 27, 2004

So tonight I watched a movie called The Shape of Things with Paul Rudd, Rachael Weiss, and Gretchen Mol. What an interesting piece of cinema. While watching this movie, I didn't enjoy it until then end...at which point I had to fight back tears. The acting was wonderful, and I was chuckling throughout, but something about it didn't settle right with me, which I believe was LaBute's (the director) intent. There was never a moment I felt comfortable with ANY of the characters; however my suspicions were satiated in the end to my content. But I've gotten ahead of myself, let me explain the story. Adam is a dork...through and through. However, he has the "I'm such a dork I must be cute" thing going for him. He meets Evelyn at a museum. They start dating, and all seems perfect...until she starts trying to change him. She convinces him to lose weight, stop biting his nails, dress differently, and even get a nose job. Adam's best female friend, Jenny, and her fiance (who is a TOTAL douchbag) start noticing these changes and become alarmed by them. Then the story take a wonderfully dark turn. I can't elaborate more, for fear of ruining the ending. Just take my word that this is not a typical love-story chickflick. It is a dark social commentary, and amazingly executed.

I would have put that up on the movie review page, but 1) I have a feeling no one really reads it...since I even dont check it usually, and B) Its not working at the moment.

Thanks Kay and Cara for coming to visit me at work. It made me smile really big.

That is all...I leave you with, surprise surprise, a quote. This is from The Shape Of Things:

"Dont focus on the 'Why?' when the 'What' is right in front of you"

Some New Tsuris
4:03 AM

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

this is just something that I wrote tonight. Its not about anyone specifically. Its an amalgamation of many different girls I've fallen for. I hope you enjoy.

The stars dont mean a thing
If I can't gaze upon you
like we used to do them.
their incandescence
their illumination
giving your irises
a piercing twinkle
as if God himself
placed the stars in your eyes.

The fluorescent moon looks sallow
compared to the radiant smile
you displayed
whenever we lay together
sharing a moment
of each other's lives

The resplendent sun appears lackluster
compared to your cerise lips
slightly pursed as they await
their liason with mine.
the taste of your lipgloss
interwoven with their delicate softness
only taunts me into desiring more,
but to no avail

Without you
there is no color
no vividity
there is no Oz
there is no technicolor
just multiple shades of grey
and we never leave Kansas

Some New Tsuris
4:46 AM

Am I vain? or just a dork? Let me elaborate...

So i was doing profile searches on blogger, 'cause I'm cool like that, and i clicked the "Evansville" link just to see who was profiled. well I came across a couple people's blogs who I didn't know had blogs. So out of curiosity, I perused said people's blogs for my name, to no avail. However, I did find some very interesting discussion about people I know... yay for being the proverbial "fly on the wall"....

So I went and saw Garden State tonight. wow....just wow. It was outstanding. quite possibly one of my new favorite movies of all time. Zach Braff is one talented mofo. Go him! and Natalie Portman was adoreable in it. Loved her character

sorry if i'm not making a whole lotta sense, its like 4am, and wouldn't ya know it, i can't sleep. big ol' fuckin' surprise.

watched Good Will Hunting last night. Forgot how incredible that movie is. Oh how I miss the days when Ben Affleck still had his integrity. Matty D of course never ceases to amaze. And Minnie Driver is absolutely adorable. Her character in that movie is exactly the kind of woman I want.

Tonight I watched Alex and Emma. It was pretty good. Not specatcular. Not bad. Just good. Kate Hudson is also adorable.

What is this? Adoreable Movie Character Week? Oye gevault

Saw Laws of Attraction and Girl Next Door last week. Girl Next Door: fun, funny, and Elisha Cuthbert is too hot for her own good. Laws of Attraction: Hilarious!!! Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore have such amazing chemistry together. Both will be available for purchase and rental tomorrow, Tues. August 24. Check 'em out

oooOOOooo....this week's prestreets are as follows:
  1. Jersey Girl
  2. The Ladykillers
  3. The Punisher
  4. The Passion of the Christ
  5. Soul Plane

ok so one of these movies I'm probably not going to rent. I'll give ya one guess. Yay for my being able to rent movies before everyone else!

So I'm enjoying my job at Hollywood. Really can't stand Kim, the District Manager, but everyone else seems really cool. Stacey, the store manager, is really fuckin' flighty but really nice.

AHHHH!! Play rehearsal starts on Sun. and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not prepared! Must spend this week finishing my memorization for Laramie. I'm close....but not close enough. double damn.

thats all for now, i'll post again if i think of anything else...I leave you with this quote from Garden State:

"You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? That idea of home is gone. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place."

Some New Tsuris
4:00 AM

Sunday, August 15, 2004

oh curses to me and my fuckin' insomnia!!!!

ok so its 20 'til 3, and I can't sleep....must stop going to Denny's so late and having lots and lots of coffee. When school starts I'll not have time to do that.

So, I've figured I out. I'm only good in 2 seaons...Fall and Spring. I get depressed in winter because of the gloomy days, and I get depressed in summer because of all the free-time I generally have. This summer has been especially bad for my down-ness, because 1) I've lost touch with friends b) I've not had AAANY money to go do anything 3) Stressing out about how school/truck/cell phone/ etc... will get paid for. Damn my anal retentive grammer. I hate that I ended the above sentence with a preposition...and I can't recall if "grammer" is spelled with an "e" or an "a" before the last "r". I repeat my last blog post, what is wrong with me?

So I watched "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" last night....and I actually liked it. Once again, what is wrong with me?

YAY for going camping Mon.- Wed.! should be good times.

Goals for upcoming semester:
  1. bring the GPA up by working my ass off
  2. spend less time socializing and more time studying
  3. get more involved with theater, since it sorta is my major
  4. must kick certain bad habits I've picked out over the summer
  5. study book on film making and the like, since its what i want to do with my life
  6. find a woman

I think that all but the last one are goals that are totally within my power to control. I think, however, I'm getting the hang of the woman thing. I've come to realize that no matter what, I'm not going to find someone to PERFECTLY fit my grand scheme. There will always be strings attatched. My goal is to not let said strings freak me out. I must become The Lord of the Strings!! (If you understand the joke, e.g. Julie, you may now chuckle) Was "e.g." the correct Greek abbreviation to use there?? Or would it be "i.e.?" I know that "etc" and "m.o." are out of the question. eh, who knows...and moreover, who cares? I do! thats who!! oye gevault....


my brother's girlfriend really bugs me...like she's a sweet girl and i love her to death, but she just irritates me sometimes. like she has to regard for the fact that I don't want to see her making out with my brother. I hate PDA as it is...let alone when a girl is commiting said offense with my brother. and she's always like "isn't he so smart? isn't he so sweet? yada yada yada" and I politely smile and nod my head. goddammit that just irritates me. ugh. ok done with that rant

I think I may rearrange my room in the near future. I've grown weary of its current state.

ok i'm gonna try and sleep now. but i must leave you with a quote.

"Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest-spun heaven metal or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now. As I slooshied, I knew such lovely pictures!" --- A Clockwork Orange

Some New Tsuris
2:40 AM

Monday, August 09, 2004

what's wrong with me?

Some New Tsuris
3:48 AM

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Hope you like the new template...the old one wasn't suiting my taste anymore. I'm in a more somber mood now, and I think this summed it up perfectly. It took me about an hour to redo everything, at its now almost 5am, so i must get to sleep.

Some New Tsuris
4:49 AM

Thursday, August 05, 2004

quick chastizing, then onto the post:
if there is one way to piss me off, its to ignore me...if your goal is to piss me off, then ignore me...i dont care if you dont want to talk to me, tell me that....don't just ignore me...that is all

ok, that having been said lets move on

6am is a bad time to get to sleep....
10pm is a bad time to get off of work...
Gummi Savers are a great thing to eat at work...

nothing really important to say
good to see Camille and Rachel this week
umm...i'm listening to Buddy Holly right now...
he is amazing...
"The sun is out
the sky is blue
there's not a cloud
to spoil the view
but its raining
raining my heart"

i feel ya Buddy.....

ok that was a waste of a post...but its my blog, SO DEAL WITH IT!! OOOOH!! THATS RIGHT! I WENT THERE!!!

i'm such a dork

"And you're shining
like the brightest star
a transmission
On the midnight radio
And you're spinning
like a 45
Dancing to your rock and roll" ---Midnight Radio from Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Some New Tsuris
1:31 AM

Monday, August 02, 2004

I'm confused about my life right now... I know that I'm still young, and everything can change in the blink of an eye, but I have this foreboding feeling that things are not going to go in my favor. I dunno...I may just be paranoid, but I just don't see how things can go well.

Ah...stop that...stop that....stop that!

I'm actually doing relatively well...had fun evening. Went to Arc Lanes to play pool with Craig, Lucas and Leo. Then we went to Denny's and just sat and talked. After Denny's, Craig and I went to Wesselman's Park and then went driving around until like 3:45am. Now its like 4:30am and I'm sitting here, blogging instead of sleeping. Fun.

I all of a sudden miss Melissa...I don't know why...I'm gonna give her a call tomorrow (actually today). Or I may not....I dunno...we'll just see what happens. I haven't talked to her in over a month. She still has my Eddie Izzard DVD... I need to get that back. She's a good kid.

So I'm listening to Idina Menzel's CD, and I'm listening to the song "Follow If You Lead"....wonderful song. Thats kinda how I feel right now. Like if girl wants to take the intiative and show interest in me, I'll follow. I'm just tired of putting forth the effort to have a relationship if the girl isn't interested in one. The only way I can know her intentions is if she initiates. But then again, if she's thinking the exact same thing I am, she may be waiting for ME to take the intiative, in which case nothing will get done. Damn this vicious cycle. Love is tough. If it weren't tough, there would be almost no popular music....and definately no country music.

Am I falling for someone? I don't think so...I might be, but even if I am, I don't know if I want to. Ack, why do I do this to myself? Why do I constantly a) question myself and my feelings b) get myself into situations which make me miserable c) start falling for the wrong people? Because, to quote the movie Igby Goes Down, I'm "a glutton for fucking punishment". I would rather be hurt than forgotten. I would rather be tortured that cast aside.

Jesus, there I go again, feeling all sorry for myself. I need to stop doing that. If I dislike something, I need to learn to change it. If its not worth changing than I need to just shut up about it.

I want school to start again. That way I can have at least some similance of normality in my life. Right now things are sort of dissheveled. I'm not going to be able to move on campus next semester. Since I lost my Stafford Loan for this semster, I can't afford to move out. Damn, and double damn. Oh well, to quote Gloria Gaynor and Cake, "I will survive."

ok thats all for now

"Good things come to obsessive-compulsives who fixate." --- Igby Goes Down

Some New Tsuris
4:26 AM

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