Avenue Q Lyrics

Friday, December 17, 2004

Nice to hear devotion still exists in Hollywood today... High-5 to Mr. Pitt for being a good husband...

Pitt Supports Grieving Aniston
Hollywood heart-throb Brad Pitt has reportedly cancelled his Ocean's Twelve promotional activities in Britain to support his wife Jennifer Aniston as she mourns her close friend's death. The actress is taking a break from filming new movie Derailed in London to fly to New York with Pitt to attend her late pal's funeral this weekend, reports British newspaper The Sun. A source says, "Jennifer is devastated when she heard her friend had died. Brad just wants to help her through this really tough time. Jennifer is Brad's number one priority. He didn't think twice about dropping everything for her. His career is important, but Jennifer comes first. Despite constant rumors their marriage is in trouble, they are stronger than ever." Pitt and Aniston were set to join celebrity pals Madonna, Guy Ritchie and chef James Oliver at the actor's 41st birthday party on Saturday at London's The Penthouse nightspot, but the party has now been canceled.

Some New Tsuris
11:40 PM

Monday, December 13, 2004

----------------- THE BASICS--------------------

-Name: Nathan Burgdorf
-Birthday: 07/06/1984
-Nicknames: Burgy, Burgdorf, Burg, Nate, Big Nate, Silent Bob among others
-Favorite band: Billy Joel, Barenaked Ladies, Pink Floyd

-----------------YOU PREFER--------------------
-Pepsi or coke: regular - Coke
-McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
-Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-Chocolate or vanilla: Ciocolate
-Cappuccino or coffee: Coffe, black

-----------------DO YOU--------------------
-Smoke: unfortunately
-Cuss: fuck no!
-Take a shower everyday: thats the goal....on the rare occasion it doesn't happen, but generally
-Have a crush(es): eh...not really
-Who are they?: Ephraim the retarded bunny
-Do you think you've been in love?: I dunno...I guess that means no...
-Want to go to college: Well considering I've been there for a couple of years, and still have many more to go...
-Want to get married: Eventually...in no hurry though
-Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Of course I do...gotta love the "home row" keys
-Believe in yourself: depends on what's being asked of me
-Get motion sickness: only when watching certain movies
-Think you're attractive: I'm mildly handsome with a great personality...or so I've been told
-Like thunderstorms: there are few things I like more
-Play an instrument: bass, guitar, piano, congos/bongos, sing

------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU----------------
-Smoke(d): I'll let ya know after my cigarette break....
-Done a drug: not that I can recall
-Gone to the mall: unfortunately
-Eaten sushi: nope
-Been on stage: yeeep...2 different shows...Playboy of the Western World, and Madrigals
-Gone skating: Nope
-Made homemade cookies: nope
-Been in love: nope
-Dyed your hair: noooope
-Stolen anything: not in the traditional sense...

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------
-Flown on a plane: no, we drove to Ireland....YES
-Missed school because it was raining?: unfortunately it rains a lot...thats a lot of missed classes...
-Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yep
-Cried during a movie?: I bawl like a school girl with a skinned knee at some movies
-Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Curses to anime....the girls look so realistic sometimes
-Had an imaginary friend: only Ephraim the Retarded Rabbit
-Been on stage?: 12 shows
-Cut your hair: just got it cut
-Had crush on a teacher?: not that I can recall
-Gotten beaten up: yeah
-Been in a fight: yeah

-----------------THE FUTURE--------------------
-Age you hope to be married: 30-35
-Numbers and Names of Children: NONE
-How do you want to die?: I want to have an unfortunate accident involving 3 supermodels and a giant hooka after drinking a fifth of tequila
-What do you want to be when you grow up?: Ideal: Broadway performer Realistic: something involving tech theater....maybe makeup design or something like that
-What country would you most like to visit?: I want to go back to Ireland soooooo bad

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX--------------------
-Best eye/hair color: Matters not to me....it varies with every person
-Short or long hair: Generally long hair, but some ladies look exquisite with shorter hair
-Best height: 5'0-5'4

-----------------NUMBER OF-------------------
-Number of people I could trust with my life: a few...not a whole whole lot...in theater though you have to be able to trust people
-Number of CDs that I own: more than I can begin to count
-Number of piercings: none, but hopefully in a month or so I'll have one or 2
-Number of tattoos: see above
-Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A few... mainly theater stuff

-Shampoo: the kind that cleans your hair
-Fav Color: red
-Day/Night: I'm a total Night Owl
-Summer/Winter: Winter
-Lace or Satin: Satin
-Fave Food: Italian and Mexican
-Fave sports stars: I really don't care...theater is my "sport" so my favorite Theater stars are Adam Pascal, Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth, Colm Wilkinson, Norbert Leo Butz, Sherie Renee Scott, Anthony Rapp, etc....

----------------RIGHT NOW--------------------
-Wearing: jeans, my black hoodie with the thumb holes cut out, my boots
-Thinking about:"When the hell is Katie gonna wake up?" "God damn, I love The Last 5 Years Cast Album
-Listening to: The Last 5 Years cast album (check it out if you've never heard it....it is amazing...emotional rollercoaster)

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------------------
-Cried: nope
-Worn jeans: wearing some right now
-Met someone new online: No, but I talked to someone for the 1st time online last night...
-Done laundry: sadly no...i probably need to though
-Drove a car: umm..yeah
-Talked on the phone: yeah my bro called me a bit ago

----------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------------
-Your friends: If I didn't believe in you, we'd never have gotten this far...
-Santa Claus: i believe in the idea or spirit of Christmas, but not the physical entity
-Tooth Fairy: well i have all my permanents, so no
-Destiny/Fate: no, I think that we make our own choices and those choices dictate what happens...i also believe in coincidence
-Angels: i dunno
-Ghosts: its possible, not probable, but possible
-UFO's: no...beings somewhere else out there, yes...but not UFOs
-God: I dunno...its a personal struggle...i think i do

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------------------
-Do you ever wish you had another name?: not really...i think my name is unique, but also kinda normal...its a good blend of both
-Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope....I date, but nothing serious
-Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Most of my theater friends act a lot like me...Elliot is my goofy side, Melissa is my reasonable side, Katie is my spontaneous random side, Natalie is my no-bullshit side, Scotty is my musical side
-Who have you known the longest of your friends?: oye...Lucas and Natalie probably
-Are you close to any family member?: I'm close to Eric and Ben (brothers) and Jeremy (cousin)
-Who do you hang around the most?: Katie definately, Scotty, Melissa, Kim, Elliot, Cara and Kay
-What's the best feeling in the world?: After Laramie, people would come up to me randomly on campus and tell me I did a good job and how much the show touched them...I couldn't feel better about myself and life than I did at that moment...
-Worst Feeling?: Loneliness and exclusion
-What time is it now?: 11:37pm

Some New Tsuris
10:46 AM

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

There needs to be more people like this in the world

Some New Tsuris
1:17 PM

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I swear my life is like a movie sometimes. My movie at this point seems to be a dark comedy. I enjoy dark comedies. This is day 3 of my good mood. Wa to the mutha f*ckin' HOO!! Lord knows karma has tried to thwart my good mood but it has thus far lost the good fight. Lets keep this up.

Some New Tsuris
4:50 AM

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Hello all

I don't know how many of you still read this thing, but to those of you who do I first would like to thanks for taking an interest in my life. Secondly I just want to express a thought I had. I know I bitch and moan a lot on this thing. Don't think that I want you to pity me or anything. This is just a place for my catharsis and to get shit off my mind. And hopefully someone will find some insight or inspiration from my words. Also, as dramatic as I am on this thing, things aren' t all that bad in my life. I just focus on the negative because thats usually what is on my mind when I sit down to write. Just wanted to pass that along. I'm no seeking sympathy/attention/pity when I go on my rants. Just expressing them for my own benefit.

"Can life get any better? I propose that it cannot!" --- Comedian Brian Regen

Some New Tsuris
11:55 PM

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Anthony Rapp
Barenaked Ladies
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Idina Menzel
Jeremy Kushnier
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Kristin Chenoweth
Matt Caplan
Norbert Leo Butz
Sherie Rene Scott
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