Avenue Q Lyrics

Monday, May 30, 2005

ok so things are getting a little better here in Cooperstown. This weekend/holiday have been pretty enojoyable. Sat. night, a bunch o' people came over, so i holed up in my room until the majority of the crowd dissapated (i'm not quite ready for a group of 20ish people I don't know), but once it started quieting down, i went down to the living room and a couple of my friends, Sam and Donna, were down there watching Law & Order: SVU. I love that show. So we watched that, then Sam wanted me to put in Eddie Izzard: Dress To Kill. So I did. So we watched Eddie, drank some beer/vodka/etc. and ate some pizza and taquitos. It was good times. Then yesterday, I got up and helped clean the house up a bit, 'cause it was pretty trashed. Then I drove into Cooperstown and got a sammich from a really awesome deli called Danny's. MMMMM rocked my f-ing socks off. Then came back here and watched some TV in the living room with everyone, then talked to Lucille v5.0 online until like 3am-ish. Didn't actually get to sleep until like 5am. So today, I slept in 'til 12:45pm. Got up, they were having a Memorial Day cookout, so had some good food and just hung out with everyone. Then saw there was a Law & Order marathon on TV. Watched about 4 episodes of that. Then they grilled out even more food for dinner. Had more food, and watched Scotty, Anna and a couple other folk play horseshoes. There was a game that must have been invented before fun...'cause its not (thank you Dave Attell). Then Anna and Bridgette gave me BFF bracelets. BFF is kind of a running joke here. BFF= best friends forever for those of you who don't know. Apparently some chick used it a couple weeks ago like in conversation, like as part of her usual vernacular, so Scotty (who's kind of a dick...he's a rigger...riggers=arrogant) was making fun of her so much for it. it evolved into a a big running joke. umm...lemme think...i think thats about it. so the point i'm making is that i'm doing better meeting people and fitting in. so yay for that.

mmkay, thats all for now...but here's a song thats been stuck in my head and is kinda fitting of my overall mood on life right now.

It’s that little flame
That lights a fire
Under your ass.
It keeps you going strong
Like a car with a full
Tank of gas.
Everyone else has a purpose,
So what’s mine?

Oh look.
Here’s a penny.
It’s from the year I was born.
It’s a sign!

Ha! Ba ba ba ba doo doo doo doo doo.
I don’t know how I know,
But I’m gonna find my purpose.
I don’t know where I’m gonna look,
But I’m gonna find my purpose.

Gotta find out.
Don’t wanna wait.
Got to make sure that my life will be great.
Gotta find my purpose.
Before it’s too late.

Yeaaah yeah yea.

Could be far.
Could be near.
Could take a week
A month
A year
At a job.
Or smoking grass.
Maybe at a pottery class.
Could it be?
Yes it could.
Something’s coming.
Something good.

I’m gonna find my purpose.
Whoa ooh oh.
I’m gonna find it!

What will it be? Where will it be?
My purpose in life is a mystery.
Gotta find my purpose.
Pur- pur- purpose
Yeah yeah.
I gotta find me!" -- Purpose from Avenue Q

Some New Tsuris
9:12 PM

Friday, May 27, 2005

Ok so I FINALLY have internet access here in New York. thank god...i was going apeshit without it. so yeah, its...umm...interesting here. I'm living in a HUGE house with like 10 other people. I'm working at Glimmerglass Opera. I work in Cooperstown and I live in Richfield Springs. lemme explain the lay out of this area...i can drive through 5 towns in 15 minutes. yeah...TINY TINY TINY little towns. I have NO cell phone reception here. no one does. drive to any of the surrounding towns, you get reception, however Richfield Springs has nothing. it sucks. but oh well.

The job is going alright. I'm a little overwhelmed right now. I am so inexperienced. I feel like I'm too underqualified for this job. But, they haven't fired me, so I'm keeping on. I'm catching on little by little. Its just a huge adjustment. oye oye oye.

I miss home. nay, lemme restate. I miss the people and the familiarity back home. I miss going to Denny's until 3am with Lucille v5.0 and Shiksa. I miss being dragged to Walmart to watch them try on clothes. i dunno. I'm doing pretty well right now. Just trying to get used to the change. I think i can hold on for another couple of months.

thats all for now, will post more later.

Some New Tsuris
2:42 PM

Friday, May 06, 2005

people, i have some rivveting and exciting news. I am now officially done with school for the next 3 1/2 months. that's right, I took my last two finals today, and I am so happy to be done with them.

So I leave in like a week for Cooperstown, NY to start my internship at Glimmerglass Opera. I'm uber-excited, and a little freaked out. I just really don't know what to expect, ya know? I'm sure I'll have a blast and learn a lot while I'm there, but for now I'm nervous. Ben, my bro, is riding with me and then he's going to fly back home. I'm happy about that because I didn't want to have to drive the whole 17-or-so hours by myself, but I sure as hell wasn't going to let my mom ride with me. Talk about nerve-wracking. So Ben and I are going to make a nice little road trip of it.

So apparently, just because I have a slight obsession with two transvestites (Eddie Izzard and Hedwig), my Shiksa now thinks I am gay. and since I argued with Eric, my other brother, that pink was in fact a fashionable look for guys right now, and that a pink shirt looks good on some guys, he now thinks that I'm gay. ok, so I know Shiksa was only kidding, and my brother is...well...an asshole (sometimes). I just thought it was funny and I got a good chuckle out of it.

For some odd reason, I have Kristen Chenoweth's version of "Daddy" stuck in my head. Hmm...I guess I'll listen to that CD in hopes of getting it outta my head.

Lemme think...is there anything else new?

I don't know why I like to fall into these weird little cycles, especially with ladies I fall for. Do I pursue something again? Do I leave well enough alone? I dunno. I guess since I'm leaving for 3 1/2 months, I probably shouldn't start anything right now. However, on the flip-side, if I do end up making a total ass of myself, there is 3 1/2 months to be away and let everything settle back down again. hmm...will have to ponder this.

I think that's all for now.

"I'm gonna miss you baby
Things could've been terrif
Eh, whats the diff
you did not have the cheek
to stay out for a week
saying "Back in a jiff..."
you were not such a
two-timing [girl]
If you weren't
If you hadn't
If you didn't
and you weren't
and you hadn't
and you didn't
but you have
and you were
and you went
and you did...

and so goodbye" --- If as performed by Kristen Chenoweth

Some New Tsuris
4:24 AM

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