Avenue Q Lyrics

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

Some New Tsuris
5:32 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2005

ok so i do apologize for not updating this thing in a while. Many of you have asked me for an update (and by "many", i mean Lucille), so here ya go.

Things are going well. We're in tech/dress rehearsals for Cosi Fan Tutte and Lucie De Lamammor. Since I'm only on the crew for Cosi, I've been getting some days off, but since our shows go in rep (meaning we do more than one show per week) we've had to go in late and cross over from one set to another. This sucks, because we can't start cross over until after the rehearsals...which end at 10pm. One night last week we were there until 3:15am crossing over from Cosi to Lucie. Oh well though...I survived. Its getting easier because we've done it so much that its like clockwork. We brought Lucie to baredeck (exactly what it sounds like...basically taking set apart and leaving the stage empty) in like an hour yesterday. Today, Cosi got completely installed in like 2 1/2 hours, which is awesome considering the set is notorious for going completely FUBAR on us on a regular basis...damn British carps who don't know how to weld shit together right...and who the fuck decided that the US shouldn't use the metric system? The Imperial system causes nothing but problems. But I digress.

So i'm starting to get really homesick. Maybe not so much homesick, but I really miss some people...and restaurants...'cause this place doesn't have a Steak 'n Shake at all or a Mexican restaurant for an hour in any direction. The town over has a KenTaco Fried Bell (the fucked up KFC/Taco Bell hybrid), but thats no good. I don't want my tacos to be made next to fried chicken. thats just un-American...'cause the taco is American....nevermind. I want my Lucille v5.0 and my Shiksa here right now. Badly. I hate having to drive 15 minutes to Herkimer to get cellphone reception to call them.

Just over 2 months 'til I'm back home...it seems like so long...
Just under 2 weeks 'til I'm 21...it seems like so long...

So I'm reading the Da Vinci Code. A-mazing book. Not only is it intelligent, very topical, and suspenseful, but it also encapsulates everything I distrust and scoff about religion.


If you are a religious person, please don't take the previous statement as offensive. I'm not saying that religions are bad or anything. I merely dislike the zealousy and hypocrisy inadvertantly inherent in organized religions. If you adhere to a spirituality because it is what you truely believe, then more power to ya. All I'm saying is know what/why you believe and respect other people's right to NOT agree with you... and understand that there is a possibility you could be incorrect, since religions are man-made and are hence fallible. Thank you

***End of Disclaimer. Hopefully My Ass is Sufficiently Covered

Lemme think if there's anything that needs to be shared...

So I bought the DVD of Angels in America this week. If you've not seen this movie and have 6 hours to kill, watch it. It is truely amazing. Fucking kooky as hell, but amazing. There were some quotes i was going to share, but they've slipped my mind...and they're back now(post-elipses statement typed about a minute and a half after pre-elipses statement).

"We've reached a verdict Your Honor. This man's heart is deficient...he loves, but his love is worth nothing!" -- Prior
"I usually say, "Fuck the truth," but mostly, the truth fucks you." --Prior
"Harper: Oh well don't apologize, I can't expect someone who's really sick to entertain me.

Prior: How on earth did you know?

Harper: Oh that happens. This is the very threshold of revelation. Sometimes you can see things like how sick you are. Do you see anything about me?

Prior: Yes, you are amazingly unhappy

Harper: Big deal, you meet a valium addict, you figure out she's unhappy -that doesn't count. Of course I - something else? something suprising?

Prior: Something suprising?

Harper: Yes

Prior: Your husband's a homo."
"Belize: Look at that heavy sky out there.

Louis Ironson: Purple.

Belize: Purple? What kind of a homosexual are you anyway? That's not purple, Mary, that color out there... is mauve."
"Belize: I hate America. I hate this country. Nothing but ideas and stories and people dying. The white cracker who wrote the National Anthem knew what he was doing. He set the word free on a note so high no one could reach it. That was deliberate. "
"Mr. Lies: Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions."

Some New Tsuris
10:12 PM

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